CIVE 302 Structural Analysis I
This course covers analysis of statically determinate structures: equilibrium, compatibility, boundary conditions, complimentary and virtual work, energy theorems, reactions, member forces and deflection of trusses, beams and frames, and influence lines. The laboratory portion will make use of structural analysis computer programs to construct analytical models of various structural systems. Calculate reactions and deflections of statically determinate and indeterminate structures and check reliability of results.
CIVE 580T Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Engineers (AI4E)
This course is an introductory course that presents a survey of AI concepts to engineering majors. The students will learn what AI is and what its applications and limitations are. Specifically, the first half of the course covers machine learning (supervised, unsupervised, Bayesian networks, hidden Markov modeling, and reinforced learning) and the other half covers introductory AI topics (search, optimization, constraint satisfaction, games, logic, Kalman and, particle filters) in applied engineering contexts.
CIVE 703 Advanced Structural Analysis III
Covers development of stiffness functions for planar and three-dimensional finite elements, and application to frame, plate, shell, and massive structures. Introduces the general application of finite elements to continuum problems.