Drexel University Lunabotics

Lunabotics is a NASA-sponsored STEM program where university students design, build and test an autonomous lunar robot in support of NASA’s Artemis Mission and humanity’s return to the moon. The teams must go through a rigorous selection process before being eligible for competition. The Drexel Lunabotics team is now admitted to this year’s competition.

A description of the NASA Lunabotics Challenge can be found here.

Our Team

The Drexel Lunabotics team is a racially and gender diverse team of students, which aligns with NASA’s goal to support diversity, the NASA STEM engagement program, and students’ contributions from different levels. The team is composed of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Architectural Engineering and Computer Science majors.

Meeting Details

The Lunabotics’ general meeting is on Wednesdays from 5:30 PM to 6:15 PM. However, potential time conflicts should not discourage students from joining the team as subteams meet at their mutually agreed schedules and their leads report at the general meeting. These meetings are hybrid: in-person in Curtis Hall 053-D and on Zoom. However, in-person attendance is preferred and encouraged.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://drexel.zoom.us/j/88039024147?pwd=VllBdU9aR3lqOHlXV0czbkx1NW5mUT09

Join Discord Channel: https://discord.com/invite/XJRhxA4nQc

Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/lunabotics_drexel

How do I join the team?

Please fill out the registration form at https://forms.office.com/r/zxaveDtdn5 

Our Members

2023/24 Lunabotics Photos/Videos