The Deak lab was awarded an NIH R21 Exploratory Research Award to study efficacy of drug loaded microparticles for use in kidney transplantation.
Author: Peter Deak
New Publication in Frontiers in Medicine
High-throughput screening identification of novel immunomodulatory combinations for the generation of tolerogenic dendritic cells – PubMed
New Review Published in Frontiers in Immunology
We just published our first paper, “Cell-targeted vaccines: implications for adaptive immunity” in Frontiers in Immunology! 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1221008
Deak Lab wins NIH R56 Award
The Deak Laboratory was awarded an NIH R56 award entitled, “Generating Robust anti-HIV CD8 T cells using HIV-targeted Liposomal Vaccines” for one year totaling over $400,000. This award will provide preliminary data for our HIV targeted adjuvant project.
Margaret Q. Landenberger Research Foundation Award
The Deak Group was recently awarded the Margaret Q. Landenberger Research Foundation Award for Early Stage Faculty. This two year award of $200,000 will be used to advance the investigation of Push/Pull Generation of TolDCs. We are excited about our first successful grant application!
Recent Publication In Cell Reports
My postdoctoral research was finally published in Cell Reports, characterizing highly responsive First Responder Dendritic Cells.