Register Now For The Upcoming MXene Certificate Course, August 2-6, 2021
This virtual certificate course will teach best practices for the synthesis (2-days), characterization (2-days), and electrochemical measurements (1-day) of MXenes. Experienced researchers, industry professionals, and students are all welcome to partake in the MXene course. To view more information about the MXene Certificate Course, please visit the following link: https://research.coe.drexel.edu/mse/nanomaterials/mxene-course/
Professor Yury Gogotsi Will Be Giving A Millipore-Sigma Webinar
Professor Yury Gogotsi’s talk will focus will on MXenes and how they complement the array of available 2D materials (graphene, BN, TMDs, etc.). The webinar will be on June 16, 2021, at 9 AM CST. To register for the webinar, please visit the following link: https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=reg20.jsp&partnerref=Direct&eventid=3182894&sessionid=1&key=4C2DEF8711F4E7045CF038C1321554F3®Tag=&V2=false&sourcepage=register
Our Review Article on MXenes Published in Science Magazine
To mark the tenth anniversary of the discovery of MXenes, DNI members, Dr. Armin VhaidMohamamdi and Prof. Yury Gogotsi together with Prof. Johanna Rosen from Linköping University (Sweden), have published a forward-looking review article in Science magazine, discussing fundamentals, properties, and applications of MXenes, the progress in the field, ways to overcome the hype accompanying new discoveries, as…
Advanced Materials (IF= 27.398) Published A Virtual Issue On MXenes: “MXenes: Looking Ahead to the Next 10 Years”
This Virtual Issue celebrates the 10th anniversary of the first report on the discovery of the Ti3C2 MXene and follows the publication of a Virtual Issue on MXenes in the leading nanoscience journal, ACS Nano, in April 2021 https://pubs.acs.org/page/ancac3/vi/mxenes. Understanding that more than a hundred stoichiometric structures and an infinite number of MXene solid solutions can be made…
Professor Yury Gogotsi Giving TED Talk at TEDxDrexelU Conference
Event date: June 26th – June 27th, 2021 Professor Yury Gogotsi will be giving a TED Talk at this year’s TEDxDrexelU conference to be held on June 26-27. In light of the theme, Odyssey, he will be speaking about his scientific discovery-driven odyssey from Ukraine to America via Western Europe and Japan. To reserve your…
Congratulations to Professor Yury Gogotsi and His Team for Winning the Horizon Prize from the Royal Society of Chemistry
Congratulations to Professor Yury Gogotsi and his team of 20+ researchers for winning the Horizon Prize from the Royal Society of Chemistry. This award recognizes team science and all co-authors of the key papers on the subject have been included. The winners include our current (Tyler Mathis) and former group members, collaborators from Paul Sabatier…
Congratulations to Our Undergraduate Student, Jessica Waite, for Receiving an Award in Undergraduate Chemistry Research
Our undergraduate co-op student, Jessica Waite, was awarded with a Dr. Robert O. Hutchins Endowed Chemistry Prize Wednesday, June 2nd. She also gave an excellent presentation about her undergraduate research during the award ceremony. Congratulations to Jessica and her hard work!