
Selected Journal Papers:

·         Wang, Z. & Nabet, B. (2015). Nanowire Optoelectronics. Nanophotonics, 4(1), pp. 491-502
·         B. Nabet, M. Currie, X. Zhao, P. Dianat, A. Cola, and F. Quaranta, “Energy Relaxation in Confined Electron and Hole Bilayer Plasma,” In preparation for submission to Phys. Rev. Lett.
·         M. Currie, P. Prete, N. Lovergine, Z. Wang, and B. Nabet, “Core-Shell Nanowires Show Large Emission Enhancement at Room Temperature” In preparation for submission to Nano Letters.
·         Zhihuan Wang, Marc Currie, and Bahram Nabet “Enhanced Optoelectronic Properties of Nanowires” to besubmitted to Nano Letters.
·         B. Nabet, Zhihuan Wang, and M. Currie “Transition rate enhancement in GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires” In preparation for submission to Phys. Rev. Lett.
·         Zhihunan Wang and Bahram Nabet, “Nanowire Optoelectronis” (Invited) Nanophotonics 2015; 4:491–502
·         P. Dianat, A. Persano, F. Quaranta, A. Cola and B. Nabet “Anomalous Capacitance Enhancement Triggered by Light,” IEEE J. Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 21. No. 4, 3800605, 2015.
·         B. Nabet, M. Currie, P. Dianat, F. Quaranta, and A. Cola, “High-Speed, High-Sensitivity Optoelectronic Device with Bilayer Electron and Hole Charge Plasma” ACS Photonics, DOI: 10.1021/ph4001229 June(2014).
·         P. Dianat, R. Prusak, A. Cola, F. Quaranta, and B. Nabet, “An unconventional hybrid variable capacitor with a two-dimensional electron system” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol 61, issue 2, pp. 445-451, Feb2014, 10.1109/TED.2013.2292922
·         M. Currie, P. Dianat, A. Persano, M. C. Martucci, F. Quaranta, A. Cola, and B. Nabet “Performance Enhancement of a GaAs Detector with a Vertical Field and an Embedded Low-Temperature Grown Layer” Sensors 2013, 13, 2475-2483; doi:10.3390/s130202475
·         A. Persano, A. Taurino, P. Prete, N. Lovergine, B. Nabet, and A. Cola “Photocurrent properties of single GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires with Schottky contacts” Nanotechnology 23, 465701(2012).
·         P. Dianat, R. Prusak, E. Gallo, A. Cola, A. Persano, F. Quaranta, and B. Nabet “A highly tunable heterostructure metal-semiconductor-metal capacitor utilizing embedded 2-dimensional charge” Appl.Phys. Lett. 100, 153505 (2012).
·         M. Currie, F. Quaranta, A. Cola, E. M. Gallo, and B. Nabet, “Low-temperature Grown GaAs Heterojunction Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetectors Improve Speed and Efficiency,” Appl. Phys.Lett. 99, 203502 (2011); doi: 10.1063/1.3662392
·         E. M. Gallo, G. Chen, M. Currie, T. McGuckin, P. Prete, N. Lovergine, B. Nabet, and J. E. Spanier “Picosecond response times in GaAs/AlGaAs core/shell nanowire-based photodetectors” Applied Physicsletters 98, 153106 (2011).
·         A. Cola, A. Persano, A. Taurino, P. Prete, N. Lovergine, Z. Gu, and B. Nabet “Polarization Anisotropy of Individual Core/Shell GaAs/AlGaAs Nanowires by Photocurrent Spectroscopy” Appl. Phys. Lett. 98,153106 (2011); doi:10.1063/1.3578189. Selected for the April 25, 2011 issue of Virtual Journal ofNanoscale Science & Technology.
·         Z. Gu, P. Prete, N. Lovergine, and B. Nabet, “On Optical Properties of GaAs/AlGaAs Nanowire Arrays”Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 064314 (2011); doi:10.1063/1.3555096
·         G. Chen, E. Gallo, J. Burger, A. Cola, P. Prete, N. Lovergine, B. Nabet, and J. Spanier, “On direct-writing methods for contacting GaAs and Ge Nanowires.” Appl. Phys. Lett 96 223107 (2010).
·         K. Yencha, M. Zofchak, D. Oakum, G. Strait, B. Taskin and B. Nabet, “Design of an Addressable Internetworked Microscale Sensor,” Journal of Selected Areas in Microelectronics (JSAM), DecemberEdition, 2010
·         B. Garipcan, S. Odabas, J. Burger, B. Nabet and J. E. Spanier “In vitro biocompatibility of n-type and undoped Si nanowires.” ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2010, 9999, No. XX, DOI:10.1002/adem.200980045 pp. B1-B7 (2010).
·         A. Persano, B. Nabet, M. Currie, A. Convertino, G. Leo, and A. Cola “Single Layer InAs Quantum Dots for High-Performance Planar Photodetectors Near 1.3 µm” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol.57, no 6, pp. 1237-1242 June 2010.
·         B J. A. Shackleford, R. Grote, M. Currie, J. E. Spanier and B. Nabet “Integrated Plasmonic Lens Photodetector” Applied Physics Letters, 94, 083501, February 2009.
·         L. Schauer, E. Piskin, B. Nabet, and J. E. Spanier “Controllable Formation of Nanoscale Patterns on TiO2 by Conductive-AFM Nanolithography” Langmuir. 2008 Aug 19;24(16):8944-9.
·         B. Garipcan, J. Winters, J. S. Atchison, M. D. Cathell, J. D. Schiffman, O. D. Leaffer, S. S. Nonnenmann,
·         X. Zhao, E. Gallo, A. Cola, F. Quaranta, M. Currie, J.E. Spanier, and B. Nabet “Time Response of Two- Dimensional Gas-Based Vertical Field Metal–Semiconductor–Metal Photodetectors” IEEE Transaction onElectron Devices VOL. 55, NO. 7, JULY 2008, pp. 1762-1770.
·         L. Cao, B. Garipcan, E. M. Gallo, S. Nonnenmann, B. Nabet, and J. E. Spanier, “Excitation of Local Field Enhancement in Silicon Nanowires,” Nano Letters 2008, vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 601-605
·         L. Schauer, E. Piskin, B. Nabet, and J. E. Spanier “Controllable Formation of Nanoscale Patterns on TiO2 by Conductive-AFM Nanolithography” Langmuir, 24 (16), 8944–8949, 2008.
·         B. Garipcan, J. Winters, J. S. Atchison, M. D. Cathell, J. D. Schiffman, O. D. Leaffer, S. S. Nonnenmann,
·         A. Cola, A. Persano, M. Currie, A. Convertino, M. Lamascalo, and B. Nabet, “ Carrier Dynamics in InAs QDs investigated by current Transient Response to Quasi-Resonant interband Excitation,” PHYSICA E: LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS 40 (2008) pp. 2119-2121.
·         L. Cao, L. Laim, P.D. Valenzuela, B. Nabet and J. E. Spanier, “On the Raman scattering from semiconducting Nanowires” J. Raman Spectroscopy 2007; 38: 697–703 Published online 10 May 2007 inWiley InterScience
·         L. Cao, C. Ni, B. Nabet and J. E. Spanier, “Instability and transport of metal catalyst in the growth of tapered silicon nanowires,” Nano Letters Vol 6, No. 9, pp. 1852-1857, Sept. (2006).
·         X. Zhao, A. Cola, A. Tersigni, F. Quaranta, E. Gallo, J. E. Spanier, and B. Nabet, “Optically Modulated High Sensitivity Heterostructure Varactor,” IEEE Electron. Dev. Lett. Vol. 27, No. 9, pp. 710-713 (2006).
·         Linyou Cao, Bahram Nabet, and Jonathan E. Spanier , “Enhanced Raman scattering from individual semiconductor nanocones and nanowires,” Phys. Rev. Let. 96, 157402 (2006).
·         L. Cao, L. Laim, C. Ni, B. Nabet, J. Spanier, “Shape-tuned Diamond-Hexagonal Semiconductor Nanocones” J. Amer. Chem. Soc. (Communication), 127, 13782 (2005).
·         A. Cola, B. Nabet, X. Chen, F. Quaranta, “High Speed Heterostructure Metal-Semiconductor -Metal Photodetetors,” Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 107 No. 1 pp. 14-25 (2005).
·         X. Chen, B. Nabet, X. Zhao, H.-J. Huang, A. Cola, F. Quaranta, A. Taurino and M. Currie, “Optical and Electrical Characterization of GaAs-based High Speed and High-Sensitivity Delta Doped Resonant Cavity Enhanced HMSM Photodetector,” IEEE Trans.Electron Devices, Volume 52, Issue 4, Apr 2005Page(s):454 – 464.
·         R. Ragi, M. Romero, and B. Nabet, “Current Transport in Heterodimensional Contacts,” IEEE Trans.Electron Devices, Vol. 52, No.2 pp. 170-175 February 05.
·         C. Katsinis and B. Nabet, “A Scalable Interconnection network Architecture for Petaflop Computing” TheJournal of Supercomputing 27 (2): 103-128, February 2004.
·         G. B. Tait and B. Nabet, “Physical Modeling of Barrier-Enhanced Quantum Well Photodetector device for optical receivers,” Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett., Vol. 40 , No. 3 , pp. 224-227, Feb. 2004.
·         B. Nabet, M. A. Romero, A. Cola and F. Quaranta “The Role of the AlGaAs Doping Level on the Optical Gain of Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Photodetectors,” Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 33, No. 2,pp. 123-127, 2004.
·         X. Chen and B. Nabet “A closed-form expression to analyze electronic properties in delta-doped heterostructures,” Solid State Electronics, Volume 48, Issue 12 , Pages 2321-2327 December 2003.
·         G. Tait and B. Nabet, “Current Transport Modeling in Quantum-Barrier-Enhanced Hetero–dimensional Contacts,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, Vol. 50 , Issue: 12 , pp. 2573 – 2578 Dec. 2003.
·         X. Chen, B. Nabet, A. Cola, F. Quaranta, and M. Currie “An AlGaAs/GaAs based RCE MSM photodetector with delta modulation doping” IEEE Electron Device Lett. Vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 312-315, May 03.
·         B. Nabet, A. Cola, A. Cataldo, X. Chen, and F. Quaranta “High speed photodetectors based on heterostructures for Opto-Electronic Applications,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol.51, no. 10, pp. 2063-2073, Oct. 03.
·         F. Castro, B. Nabet, and X. Chen “A closed form electric field profile model for AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures,” Journal of Applied Physics,Vol. 92, no. 1, pp. 218-222, July 2002.
·         A. Anwar, B. Nabet, J. Culp, R. Ragi, J.E. Menzoli, and M.A. Romero “Gate-controlled 2DEG varactor for VCO applications in microwave circuits,” Microelectronics Journal, vol. 33, pp. 495-500, May 2002.
·         X. Chen, B. Nabet, A. Cola, F. Quaranta, and M. Currie “A resonant cavity enhanced photodetector” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 80 no. 17, April 2002.
·         A. Anwar and B. Nabet “Barrier enhancement mechanisms in heterodimensional contacts and their effect of current transport,” IEEE Trans. On Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 68-71January 2002.
·         B. Nabet, A. Cola, F. Quaranta, “Heterojunction and Heterodimensional Optoelectronic Devices” IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 40-45, March 2001.
·         B. Nabet, A. Cola, Quaranta, M. Cesareo R. Rossi, and R. Fucci, and A. Anwar “Electron Cloud  Effect on Current Injection Across a Schottky Contact” Applied Physics Letters, Dec. 11 2000, pp. 4007-4010.
·         B. Nabet, C. M. Mablekos J. A. Culp and T. Yost “Concurrent Engineering in the Classroom,” IEEETrans. on Education, 2001.
·         A. Anwar and B. Nabet, “An electronically and optically gate-controlled Schottky/2DEG Varactor” IEEEElectron Device Letters, vol. 21, no 10, pp. 473-475, October 2000.
·         B. Nabet, F. Castro, A. Anwar, and A. Cola, “Heterodimensional Contacts and Optical Detection,” (invited)Int. J. of High-speed Electronics and Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 375-386, Aug. 2000.
·         H.F.B. Ozelo, L.E.M. de Barros Jr., B. Nabet, L.G. Neto, M. A. Romero, J. W. Swart, “MSM Photodetector with an Integrated Microlens Array for Improved Optical Coupling,” Microwave and Optical Tech. Lett.,Vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 357-360 Sept. 2000.
·         W.S. Gray and B. Nabet “Volterra Series Analysis and Synthesis of a Neural Network for Velocity Estimation” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B; Cybernetics, Vol. 29, No. 2 pp. 190-198, April, 1999.
·         A. Anwar, B. Nabet, J. Culp, and F. Castro “Effects of Electron Confinement on Thermionic Emission Current in a Modulation Doped Heterostructure” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 85, No. 5, pp. 2663-2666, March 1999.
·         F. Castro and B. Nabet “Computation of Complex Permittivity by FFT and Hilbert Transform Methods,”Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 336B, No 1, pp. 53-64, Jan. 1999.
·         F. Castro and B. Nabet, J. Culp “An accurate closed form expression for sheet carrier density calculations in modulation doped heterostructures,” Electronics Letters.Vol. 34, No. 22, pp. 2170-2171, Oct. 98.
·         J. Culp, B. Nabet, F. Castro, and A. Anwar “Intermediate Temperature Grown GaAs/AlGaAs Photodetector with Low Dark Current and High Sensitivity”Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 73, No. 11, pp.1562-1564, Sept. 1998.
·         A. Youtz and B. Nabet “Role of Intermediate Temperature Molecular Beam Epitaxy Grwon GaAs Defects in Tunneling and Diffusion” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 84, No. 5, pp. 2697-2704, Sept. 1998.
·         A. Youtz, B. Nabet, and F. Castro “Defect state assisted tunneling in intermediate temperature molecular beam epitaxy grown GaAs” Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 372-376, April 1997.
·         B. Nabet “A Heterojunction Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetector,” Photonics Technology Letters,vol. 9, no. 2, 223-225, Feb. 1997.
·         S.P.Tonkin, R.B. Pinter, and B. Nabet, “Stability of a class of directionally sensitive asymmetric nonlinear neural networks,” Neural Networks vol. 9, no. 4, 555-565, June 1996.
·         L.-C. Liou and B. Nabet, “Simple Analytical Model of Bias Dependence of the Photocurrent of Metal- Semiconductor-Metal Photodetectors,” Applied Optics, Vol. 35, No. 1, 15-23, Jan. 1996.
·         B.C. Tousley, N. Davids, A.H .Sayles, A.Paolella, P. Cooke, M. L. Lemuene, and R.P. Moerkirk, and B.Nabet, “Broad-Bandwidth, High-responsivity Intermediate Growth Temperature GaAs MSM Photodetectors,” Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 7, no. 12, 1483-1485, Dec. 95.
·         B. Nabet, R.B.Pinter, and R.B.Darling, “comments on ‘Silicon Models of Lateral Inhibition,” IEEE Trans.on Neural Networks, Vol. 6, no. 6, 1560-1561, Nov. 1995.
·         B. Nabet, A. Youtz, F. Castro, P. Cooke, and A. Paolella, “Current transport in as-grown and annealed intermediate temperature molecular beam epitaxy grown GaAs” Applied Physics Lett. 67 (12), 1748-1750, 1995.
·         F. Castro and B. Nabet, “Design of a Dual-Effect Lens on lanthanum-modified lead zirconate titanate for continuous variation of focal length” Applied Optics, Vol. 34, no. 13, 2317-2323, 1995.
·         B. Nabet, A. Paolella, P. Cooke, M. Lemuene, R.P.Moerkirk, L-C. Liou,”Effect of MBE Growth Temperature on Large Area MSM Detectors,” Applied Physics Letters, 64, (23), 3151-3153, 1994.
·         B. Nabet, R. B. Darling, and R. B. Pinter, “Implementation of Front-End Processor Neural Networks,”Neural Networks, vol 5, no. 6, pp. 891-902, 1992.
·         B. Nabet, “Implementation of Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Maps,” Neural Network Review, Vol. 3, No 4, 1989, pp. 153-154
·         R. B. Darling, B. Nabet, J.E. Samaras, S.Ray, and E. Carter, “Epitaxial n+Layer GaAs Mesa Finger Interdigital Surface Photodetectors,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 461-464, Nov. 1989.


Selected Conference Papers:

·        Kiana Montazeri, Zhihuan Wang, and Bahram Nabet “Confining Low Energy Light with Tapered Conical Plasmonic Nanowires” Frontiers in Optics/Laser Sciences (FiO/LS), Washington DC, USA Sept. 17-21, 2017.​

·        Kiana Montazeri, Zhihuan Wang, and Bahram Nabet, “Wave-guiding and Cavity Engineering in Core-shell Nanowires with Two Dimensional Electron Gas Plasmons” Frontiers in Optics/Laser Sciences (FiO/LS), Washington DC, USA Sept. 17-21, 2017.

·        Kiana Montazeri, Zhihuan Wang, and Bahram Nabet “Controlling Photons with Plasmons in Core-shell Nanowires,” 3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Optics at the Nanoscale (ONS’17) Anacapri, Italy Sept. 10-14, 2017.

·        Zhihuan Wang, Pouya Dianat, Kiana Montazeri, Baris Taskin, Marc Currie,; Paola Prete, Nico Lovergine, Bahram Nabet, “A Core-Shell Nanowire Platform for Silicon Photonics” Frontiers in Optics/Laser Sciences (FiO/LS), Washington DC, USA Sept. 17-21, 2017.

·        Zhihuan Wang, Pouya Dianat, Kiana Montazeri, Baris Taskin, Marc Currie, Paola Prete, Nico Lovergine, and Bahram Nabet: “Nanowire-Based Opto-Plasmonics for Heterogeneous Integration with Silicon” 7th EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems (OµS’17), Anacapri, Italy Sept. 10-14, 2017.

·        Currie, Marc, Anna Persano, Adriano Taurino, Fabio Quaranta, Adriano Cola, Paola Prete, Nico Lovergine, Pouya Dianat, Zhihuan Wang, and Bahram Nabet. “Electro-Optically Sampled Time Response of Core-Shell Nanowires.” In Frontiers in Optics, pp. FTh2D-2. Optical Society of America, 2017.

·        P. Dianat and B. Nabet, “A Quantum Opto-plasmonic Capacitor for Low-power High-speed Information Processing,” in Frontiers in Optics 2017, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper JW3A.18.

·         R. Kuttappa, L. Khuon, B. Nabet and B. Taskin, “Reconfigurable threshold logic gates using optoelectronic capacitors,” Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2017, Lausanne, 2017, pp. 614-617.

·         Montazeri, Kiana, Zhihuan Wang, and Bahram Nabet. “Plasmonic Effect of Low-Dimensional Electron Gas in Core-Shell Nanowires.” Frontiers in Optics. Optical Society of America, 2016.
·         Z. Wang, and B. Nabet “Light and Rate Management in Nanowires” Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science” Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science San Jose, CA, Oct 18-22
·         Z. Wang, M. Currie, P. Prete, N. Lovergine and B. Nabet “Lasing from As Grown GaAs-AlGaAs Core- Shell Nanowires up to Room Temperature” Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science, San Jose, CA, Oct 18-22, 2015.
·         Z. Wang, M. Currie, P. Prete, N. Lovergine, and B. Nabet “Room Temperature Lasing of GaAs-AlGaAs Core-Shell Nanowires Grown on Silicon Substrate” 2nd EOS Topical Meeting on Optics at the Nanoscale (ONS’15), Capri, Italy, Sept 17-19, 2015.
·         M. Currie, A. Persano, A.Taurino, F. Quaranta, A. Cola, P. Prete, N. Lovergine and B. Nabet “On Time Response of Single Nanowires” 46th EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems (OµS’15), Capri, Italy Sept 17-19, 2015
·         M. Currie, Z. Wang, P. Prete, N. Lovergine Pouya Dianat, and B. Nabet, “Giant Photoluminescence Enhancement in Core-Shell Nanowires” International Conference on One-Dimensional Nano Materials, ICON2013, Annecy, France, Sept. 23-36, 2013.
·         M. Currie, A. Persano, A. Taurino, A. Cola, P. Prete, N. Lovergine, and B. Nabet, “Electrooptic Sampling Time Response of GaAs/AlGaAs Core-Shell Nanowires ” International Conference on One-Dimensional Nano Materials, ICON2013, Annecy, France, Sept. 23-36, 2013.
·         Marc Currie, Fabio Quaranta, Adriano Cola, Pouya Dianat, and Bahram Nabet, “Overcoming Transit Time Limitations with Collective Excitations,” FiO 2013/LS XXIX, 6-10 October 2013, Orlando, Florida.
·         A. Persano, B. Nabet, A. Taurino, P. Prete, N. Lovergine, and A. Cola “Photoconduction Properties of Single GaAs/AlGaAs Core-Shell Nanowires,” FiO 2013/LS XXIX, 6-10 October 2013, Orlando, Florida.
·         Zhihuan Wang, Marc Currie, Pouya Dianat, Gjergji Konica, Paola Prete, Nico Lovergine, and Bahram Nabet “On Dimensional Dependence of Interaction of Light and Nano Structures” FiO 2013/LS XXIX, 6- 10 October 2013, Orlando, Florida.
·         Pouya Dianat, Anna Persano, Fabio Quaranta, Adriano Cola, Bahram Nabet, “A Light-activated Quantum Capacitance Device as a Highly Tunable Variable Capacitor,” FiO 2013/LS XXIX, 6-10 October 2013, Orlando, Florida.
·         A. Persano, B. Nabet, A. Taurino, P. Prete, N. Lovergine, and A. Cola, “Conductivity and photoconductivity properties of single GaAs/AlGaAs coreshell nanowires” Italian National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics, Milan, Italy, September 09-13, 2013.
·         Marc Currie, Pouya Dianat, Anna Persano, Adriano Cola, Concetta Martucci, Fabio Quaranta and Bahram Nabet “High-Speed High-Responsivity Low Temperature Grown GaAs Detector” IEEE PHOTONICS CONFERENCE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA 23-27 September 2012.
·         Pouya Dianat, Richard W. Prusak, Anna Persano, Fabio Quaranta, Adriano Cola and Bahram Nabet “Giant Light-induced Capacitance Enhancements in an Unconventional Capacitor with Two-dimensional Hole Gas” IEEE PHOTONICS CONFERENCE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA 23-27 September 2012.
·         Pouya Dianat, Richard W. Prusak, Anna Persano, Fabio Quaranta, Adriano Cola and Bahram Nabet “A Planar Switchable Capacitor with Embedded Two-dimensional Electron System for Integration in VLSI and RFIC” Proceedings ICICS, LaJolla, CA Oct 2012.
·         A. Cola, A. Persano, A. Taurino, M. Catalano, P. Prete, N. Lovergine, I.Miccoli, Z. Gu, J. Spanier, B. Nabet, “Photocurrent properties of core/shell GaAs/AlGaAs Nanowires,” International Conference on Ordered 1D Nano Structures, Mallorca, Spain Sept 15-18, 2010.
·         Richard Grote, Richard M. Osgood, Jonathan E. Spanier, and Bahram Nabet, “Optimization of a Surface Plasmon Enhanced Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetector on Gallium Arsenide” Proceedings OSA Frontier of Optics Conference, Rochester, NY Oct. 24-28 2010.
·         Zongquan Gu, Paola Prete, Nicola Lovergine, and Bahram Nabet “On Absorption Properties of GaAs/AlGaAs Nanowire Arrays,” Proceedings OSA Frontier of Optics Conference, Rochester, NY Oct. 24-28 2010.
·         Eric M. Gallo, Xia Zhao, Oren D. Leaffer, Adriano Cola, Bahram Nabet and Jonathan E. Spanier “Photoluminescence Spectroscopy of a 2D Electron-hole Gas Heterostructure” Proceedings Materials Research Symposium, Boston, MA, Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 2009.
·         B. Nabet, J. Spanier, J. Burger, O. Leafer, P. Dianat, P. Prete, I. Miccoli, and N. Lovergine, “Collaborative Research on Core-Shell Nanowires for Optoelectronics,” Fifth International Nanotechnology Conference on Communications and Cooperation (INC5) meeting May 18th – 21st, 2009, Los Angeles, CA.
·         Stephen S Nonnenmann, Eric M Gallo, Rahul S Joseph, Michael T Coster, Oren D Leaffer, Bahram Nabet and Jonathan E Spanier “Ferroelectric Properties of Co-axial Noble-metal/oxide core/shell Perovskite Nanowires” MRS Fall meeting, Boston, MA Dec 1-4, 2008.
·         J. Shackleford, R. Grote, M. Currie, J. E. Spanier, and B. Nabet “Plasmonically enhanced photodetector,” 2008 Annual Meeting AIChE, Philadelphia PA, Nov. 16 -21, 2008.
·         M. Romero, R. Ragi, and B. Nabet, “Low dimensionality electronic devices based on heterodimensional Schottky contacts: Modeling and experimental results” Micro-Nanoelectronics, Technology and Applications, 2008. EAMTA 2008. Argentine School of Volume , Issue , 18-19 Sept. 2008 Page(s):11 – 16
·         X. Zhao, A. Cola, F. Quaranta, A. Persano, E. Gallo, J. E. Spanier and B. Nabet “Modeling of A High Sensitivity Heterostructure Varactor with Optical Modulation Capability” 2007 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, Salvador, Brazil, Oct. 29- Nov. 3 2007.
·         A. Cola, F. Quaranta, A. Persano, A. Taurino, M. Currie, E. Gallo, X. Zhao, J. Spanier and B. Nabet “Development of A New Photodetector Based On Two Dimensional Hole Gas” 2007 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, Salvador, Brazil, Oct. 29- Nov. 3 2007.
·         B. Nabet, E. Gallo, J. Spanier, A. Cola, F. Quaranta, B. Garipcan, E. Piskin, “Electron Plasma for High Speed, High Sensitivity Detection,” (Abstract) NATO ASI Meeting, Cesme, Turkey, Sept. 16-26, 2007.
·         A. Cola, A. Persano, M. Currie, G. Leo, M. Lomascolo, B. Nabet “Carrier escape dynamics in InAs quantum dots investigated by current transient response to quasi-resonant excitation,” (poster) 13th International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures (MSS-13), Genoa, Italy, July 2007.
·         B. Garipcan, E. Piskin, S. S. Nonnenmann, E. Gallo, J. E. Spanier, B. Nabet, “Ordered Arrays of Silicon Nanowires by Conductive AFM Nanolithography,” (poster) Nanomat 2006 International Workshop on Nanostructured Material,  Antalya, Turkey June 21-23, 2006.
·         F. Di Benedetto, A. Camposeo, R. Cingolani, D. Pisignano, J. Atchinson, E. Gallo, B. Nabet, and Frank Ko “Electrospun nanofibers of conjugated polymers: morphology, optical and structural Properties” The International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Metals (ICSM), Dublin, Ireland, July 2- 7, 2006.
·         Jennifer Atchison, Linyou Cao, Bora Garipcan, Chaoying Ni, Bahram Nabet  and Jonathan E. Spanier “Instability and Transport of Metal Catalyst in the Growth of Silicon Nanostructures.” MRS Fall meeting Boston, MA Nov. 27 – Dec. 1, 2006.
·         J. Atchison, E. Gallo, J.E. Spanier, C. Schauer, F. Ko, B. Nabet, F. Di Benedetto, A. Camposeo, R. Cingolani, D. Pisignano, “Electrospun Nanofibers of Optically-Active Polymers” (Poster) Presented at the Second International Nanotechnology Conference on Communication and Cooperation (INC2), Washington D.C., May 15-18, 2006.
·         Linyou Cao, Bahram Nabet, and Jonathan Spanier, “Synthesis and Characterization of Diamond-Hexagonal Si and Ge Nanocones,” (poster), Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Abstract No. P3.15, Nov. 28-Dec 1, 2005.
·         Linyou Cao, Bahram Nabet, and Jonathan Spanier, “Enhanced Raman Scattering from Individual Semiconductor Nanocones and Nanowires,” Abstract: D31.00001, American Physical Society (APS) Meeting, Baltimore, MD March 13-17 2006.
·         E.A. Vitol, T. P. Kurzweg, B. Nabet, “Polarized light scattering characterization of cancerous cells,” Biomedical Optics 2006, Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January 2006.
·         A. Cola, F. Quaranta, A. Tersigni1, A. Taurino, X. Zhao, E. Gallo, R. Crow and B. Nabet “Development of New Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetector Based on Two-Dimensional Hole Gas,” Proceedings European Optical Society Topical Meeting: OPTICAL MICROSYSTEMS, Capri, Italy, Sept. 15-18, 2005.
·         E.A. Vitol, T. P. Kurzweg, B. Nabet, “Using white-light spectroscopy for size determination of cell nuclei,” Photonics North, Toronto, Canada, September 12-14, 2005.
·         A. Cola, F. Quaranta, A. Tersigni, A. Taurino, B. Nabet, and X. Zhao, “Metal-Semiconductor-Metal AlGaAs/GaAs Photodetectors Based on Two Dimensional Hole Gas.” Presented at Matter, Materials and Devices Meeting, Genova, Italy June 22-25, 2005.
·         X. Zhao and B. Nabet “Monte Carlo Simulation of Transport in Two-Dimensional Electron Gas via Energy Relaxation,” 2005 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, May 8-12, 2005, Anaheim, California.
·         X. Zhao, H.J. Huang, X. Chen, B. Nabet, “Vertical Field HMSM Photodetector,” Proceedings 7th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuits Technology, Volume 3, Page(s):2328 – 2331, 18-21 Oct. 2004 Beijing, China Oct. 17-21, 2004.
·         A. Cola, B. Nabet, X. Chen, and F. Quaranta, “High Speed Heterostructure MSM Photodetectors,” (Invited) 12th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors, Vilnius 22-25 August 2004.
·         R. Ragi , M.A. Romero, and B. Nabet “On Modelling of the Dark Current Characteristics of Heterodimensional Schottky Photodiodes,” SBMicro 2003, 18th SYMPOSIUM ON MICROELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY AND DEVICES, São Paulo, Brazil, September 8-11, 2003.
·         Gregory Tait and Bahram Nabet, “Physical Modeling of Semiconductor Heterodimensional Devices for Photodetector Applications,” SPIE Photonics West Conference, San Jose, CA Jan. 24-29, 2004. pp. 135- 142
·         A. Afaf EL-Aufy, Bahram Nabet, and Frank K. Ko, “Carbon nanotube reinforced (PEDT/PAN) nanocomposite for wearable electronics,” 226th ACS National Meeting, New York, NY, September 7-11, 2003.
·         A. Cola, B. Nabet, X. Chen, A. Cataldo, Lamascalo, Taurino, Quaranta and Currie “Novel HMSM Photodetector for Gigabit Ethernet,” Proceedings of IMOC 2003, September 23-25, 2003, Iguazu Falls, Brazil.
·         X. Zhao, H-J Huang, X. Chen, B. Nabet, A. Cataldo, A. Cola, and F. Quaranta, “Study of dynamic behavior of delta-doped HMSM photodetector,” Proceedings of IMOC 2003, September 23-25, 2003, Iguazu Falls, Brazil.
·         B. Nabet, “Contact-induced properties of semiconducting nanowires and their local gating,” Nato ASI Nanoengineering and Nanofibrous Materials, Antalya, Turkey Sept. 1-12, 2003, Page 30.
·         H-J. Huang, B. Nabet, and X. Zhao, “Two Dimensional Modeling of Heterostructure Metal- Semiconductor-Metal (HMSM) Photodector in Ramo’s Theory,” IEEE Sarnoff Symposium on advances in wired and wireless communications, New Jersey, March, 2003.
·         A. Cataldo, B. Nabet, A. Cola, and A. Trotta, “HMSM Photodetectors for high-speed applications, XVII IMEKO World Congress, Metrology in the 3rd Millennium, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 22-27, 2003.
·         E. Gallo, B. Nabet, M. Freitag, and A.T. Johnson, “Variation of Contact Barrier In Metal-Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Junction Using a Localized Gate”, Proc. Nanotechnology 2003, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 23-27, 2003.
·         B. Nabet, A. Cola, A. Cataldo, X. Chen, and F. Quaranta “Photodetectors based on heterostructures for optoelectronic applications,” Proc. SPIE Photonics Asia 2002, Shanghai, China, October 14-18, 2002.
·         B. Nabet, E. Gallo, M. Freitag, A.T. Johnson, and Xiying Chen, “Schottky Barrier In Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes”, Proc. IEEE Nano 2002, Washington D.C., August 26-28, 2002, pp. 435-438.
·         B. Nabet, A. Cola, A. Cataldo, and Xiying Chen, “Static and Dynamic Characterization of High-Speed HMSM Photodetectors for Short Haul Communications,” Proc. 12th IMEKO International Symposium, Zagreb, Croatia September 25-27 2002.
·         R. Ragi, J. Manzoli, M. A. Romero, B. Nabet, “Modeling the C-V Characteristics of Heterodimensional Schottky Contacts,” Proceedings of ESSDERC, Florence, Italy, Sept. 24-26, 2002.
·         Bahram Nabet and Amro Anwar, “What to expect from Schottky Contact to a Nanowire?” Proc. NATO ARW on Nanostructured Materials and Coatings, Kiev, Ukraine, August 4 to 8, 2002.
·         Adriano Cola, Fabio Quaranta, Bahram Nabet, and Andrea Cataldo, “Photodetector with internal field based on GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures,” Proceedings ESSDERC, Florence, Italy, Sept. 24-26, 2002.
·         Xiying Chen, Bahram Nabet, F. Quaranta, A. Cola, and Marc Currie, “A Novel HMSM Photodetector with Resonant Cavity for Short Haul Communications,” Proc. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Seattle Washington, June, 2002, pp. 1281-1284.
·         Xiying Chen, Bahram Nabet, “A closed-form expression of charge density and electric field for ä-doped modulation HEMT”, IEEE Sarnoff Symposium on advances in wired and wireless communications, New Jersey, March, 2002.
·         Xiying Chen, Bahram Nabet, A. Cola, F. Quaranta, and Marc Currie, “Resonant Cavity Enhanced MSM Photodetector with Delta-doped AlGaAs/GaAs Heterostructure for Short-haul Communications”, IEEE Sarnoff Symposium on advances in wired and wireless communications, New Jersey, March, 2002.
·         Adriano Cola, Bahram Nabet, Fabio Quaranta, Mauro LoMascolo, and Andrea Cataldo “Development of Heterojunction and Heterodimensional Devices for Optoelectronics,” in Proceedings Italian-Australian Technological Innovations Conference & Exhibitions 2002, Melbourne, Australia, March 2002.
·         Bahram Nabet, Murilo A. Romero, A. Cola, F. Quaranta, M. Cesareo “On Optical gain mechanism in a 2DEG Photodetector,” Proc. IMOC 01, Belem, Brazil, August 8-10, 2001.
·         Francisco Castro and Bahram Nabet, “Spectral absorption analysis in AlGaAs/GaAs Photodetectors,” Proc. IMOC 01, Belem, Brazil, August 8-10, 2001.
·         Xiying Chen and Bahram Nabet, “A novel photodetector for long haul communication,” IEEE Sarnoff Symposium on Advances in Wired and Wireless Communications, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ, March 21, 2001.
·         Francisco Castro and Bahram Nabet, “Spatial Modulation of the Dielectric Permittivity and its Effect on the Spectral Responsivity of Heterodimensional Photodetectors,” MSM2001/ICCN conference March 19- 21, 2001.
·         B. Nabet, A. Cola, F. Quaranta, R. Rossi, and R. Fucci, M. Cesareo “Development of new photodetectors based on heterodimensional contacts” Proc. The 5th National Conference on sensors and Microsystems, Lecce, Italy, Feb. 12-16, 2000
·         B. Nabet, A. Cola, F. Quaranta, R. Rossi, and R. Fucci, M. Cesareo “Development of new photodetectors based on heterodimensional contacts” Proc. The 5th National Conference on sensors and Microsystems, Lecce, Italy, Feb. 12-16, 2000.
·         50-       A.C. Seabra, F.G. Araes, M. A Romero, L.G. Neto, and B. Nabet, “Increasing the optical efficiency of planar photodetectors: Electron beam writing of an integrated Microlens array on top of a MSM device,” Optics in computing 2000, Quebec City, Canada, June18-23, 2000, pp. 890-894.
·         B. Nabet, C. M. Mablekos, J. A. Culp and T. Yost, “Concurrent Engineering in the Classroom,” Int. Conference in Engineering Education (ICECE’99), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 12-14, 1999.
·         H.F.B. Ozelo, L.E.M. de Barros Jr., B. Nabet, L.G. Neto, M. A. Romero, J. W. Swart, “MSM Photodetector with an Integrated Microlens Array for Improved Optical Coupling,” Int. Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC’99), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 9-12, 1999, pp. 472-475.
·         F. Castro and B. Nabet “Analytical description of electric field profile in heterojunctions,” Int. Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC’99), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 9-12, 1999, pp. 429-431.
·         Anwar, B. Nabet, and J. Culp “Gate controlled 2DEG Varactor for VCO applications in microwave circuits,” Int. Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC’99), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 9-12, 1999, pp. 425-428.
·         A. Anwar and B. Nabet. “Barrier enhancement mechanisms in heterodimensional contacts and their effect of current transport” Int. Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC’99), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 9-12, 1999, pp. 421-424.
·         F. Castro, B. Nabet, A. Cola, J. Culp, and A. Anwar, “Optical Absorption Modulation in Heterodimensional Devices” Advanced Workshop on Frontiers in Electronics (WOFE), Lecce, Italy, May 31- June 4 1999.
·         A. Anwar, B. Nabet, and F. Castro “Effect of Electron-Electron Cloud Interaction on Schottky Metal Barrier Height to Two-Dimensional Electron Gas” Advanced Workshop on Frontiers in Electronics (WOFE), Lecce, Italy, May 31- June 4, 1999.
·         A. Anwar, B. Nabet, and F. Castro “Gate Controlled Schottky Diode Varactor for VCO Applications in Microwave Circuits” IEEE Sarnoff Symposium on Advances in Wired and Wireless Communications, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ, March 17, 1999.
·         A. Anwar, B. Nabet, and F. Castro “Current Transfer between metal and 2DEG” IEEE Sarnoff Symposium on Advances in Wired and Wireless Communications, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ, March 17, 1999.
·         F. Castro and B. Nabet, and J. Culp “Accurate Description of Sheet Carrier Density in Hereostructures,” IEEE Sarnoff Symposium on Advances in Wired and Wireless Communications, The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ, March 17, 1999.
·         J. Culp, B. Nabet, F. Castro, and A. Anwar “Gain Enhancement of Low Temperature GaAs Heterojunction MSM Photodtector” Proceedings of CLEO, San Fransisco, May 12-15, 1997. Edition. 1998 Technical Digest Series, Vol.6 (IEEE Cat. No.98CH36178). Opt. Soc. America, Washington, DC, USA; 1998; 559 pp. p.274-275.
·         F. Castro and B. Nabet “Numerical Computation of Complex Dielectric Permittivity: FFT-Based Hilbert Transform Approximation of the Kramers-Kronig Relations,” Proc. 14th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES ’98) Symposium, Monterey, CA March 16-20, 1998.
·         W. S. Gray and B. Nabet, “Analysis of a Shunting Motion Detector” Proc. Int. Conference on Nonlinear Problems in Aeronautics and Aerospace, Daytona Beach, Florida, April 29 – May 1, 1998.
·         A. Anwar, B. Nabet, J. Culp, and F. Castro “Gain Enhancement of Low Temperature GaAs Heterojunction MSM Photodetector” Proceedings of IEEE Sarnoff symposium, Princeton, NJ, May 18, 1998, pp. 200-203.
·         J. Culp, B. Nabet, F. Castro, and A. Anwar “A low temperature GaAs Based Photodetector With Low Dark Current and Gain” Proceedings of IEEE Sarnoff symposium, Princeton, NJ, May 18, 1998, pp. 195- 199.
·         F. Castro, B. Nabet “Simplified Computation of the Kramers-Kronig Relations in Semiconductors,” Proceedings of IEEE Sarnoff symposium, San Princeton, NJ, May 18, 1998, pp. 192-195.
·         F. Castro and B. Nabet, “Numerical Modeling of a Variable Focal Length lens by Finite Difference FFT Method,” Proc. Benjamin Franklin symposium on New Frontiers in Antenna and Microwave Technology, May 2, 1997.
·         T. Yost, P. Herczfeld, B. Nabet, and V. Contarino, and J. Culp “A Large Area, High Speed Photodetector for Microwave Modulated Hybrid Lidar-Radar Applications” Proc. SBMO/IEEE MTT-S Microwave and Optoelectronic Conference, Natal,  Brazil, Aug 11-14, 1997, pp. 233-238.
·         F. Castro, B. Nabet, and A. Anwar “Schottky Contact Between Metal and Two-Dimensional Electron Gas: Device Application to Low-Noise Optical Detectors,” Proc. SBMO/IEEE MTT-S Microwave and Optoelectronic Conference, Natal,  Brazil, Aug 11-14, 1997, pp. 323-327.
·         B. Nabet and A. E. Youtz “Deep Defects in Intermediate Temperature Molecular Beam Epitaxy Grown GaAs and Their Role in Current Transport,” Proc. SBMO/IEEE MTT-S Microwave and Optoelectronic Conference, Natal,  Brazil, Aug 11-14, 1997, pp. 643-648.
·         T. Yost, P. Herczfeld, B.Nabet, and V. Contarino, J. Culp “A Largte-Area High-Speed Vacuum Photodiode Employing a Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Device at Anode,” Proc. CLEO, Baltimore, MD, May 18-23, 1997, pp. 470-471.
·         R. Bowman, R. W. Smith, C. M. Mablekos, B. Nabet, “Concurrent Innovation: Assessing the Impact of PRIDE’s Collaborative Approach to Workforce Education and Retraining” Proc. ASEE Conference, Milwaukee, WI, June 1997.
·         T. Yost, P. Herczfeld, B. Nabet, and V. Contarino, “Design of a GaAs Electron Detector Metal- Semiconductor-Metal Device,” Proc. Benjamin Franklin symposium on New Frontiers in Antenna and Microwave Technology, May 3, 1996, pp. 60-63.
·         B. Nabet, C. Mablekos, T. Yost, J. Culp, and E. Vaisman, “Concurrent Engineering in the Classroom: An Innovative Course in Optical and Electronic Device Fabrication,” Proc. ASEE Mid-Atlantic Conference, Philadelphia, PA, April, 1996.
·         B. Nabet, “Concurrent Education: A New Teaching Environment,” Proc. NSF workshop on Mechatronics,” San Francisco, CA, June 13-15, 1996, ISBN # 0-9652749-0-X, pp. 97-101.
·         W. S. Gray and B. Nabet, “Volterra Series Analysis of a Neural Network for Velocity Estimation,” Proc. IEEE-SMC Conf. on Computational Engineering in Systems Applications , Lille, France, July 9 -12, 1996, pp. 926-931.
·         A. Paolella, Graig Tait, P. Cooke, B. Nabet, B.C. Tousley, “Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetectors Grown on Intermediate Temperature Molecular Beam Epitaxy GaAs for Lightwave/Milimeter Wave Applications,” Proc.IEEE MTT-S Symposium, June 17-21, 1996, San Francisco, pp. 915-918.
·         B.C. Tousley, N. Davids, A.H.Sayles, A.Paolella, P. Cooke, M. L. Lemuene, and R.P. Moerkirk, and B. Nabet, “Broad Bandwidth, Large dynamic range, Intermediate Growth Temperature GaAs MSM Photodetectors,” Proc.IEEE summer topical meeting, 1995.
·         B.C. Tousley, N.Davids, A.H.Sayles, A.Paolella, P. Cooke, M. L. Lemuene, and R.P. Moerkirk, and B. Nabet, “Intermediate Growth Temperature MBE GaAs in MSM Large Area Photodetectors,” Proc.Electronic Materials Conference, 1995.
·         F. Castro and B. Nabet, “Continuous Variation in Fresnel Length Focal Length,” Proc. IEEE/LEOS Meeting, 10/31-11/3, Boston, MA, 1994.
·         P. Cooke, B.Nabet, A.Paolella, M. L. Lemuene, and R.P. Moerkirk, “Variation of Growth Temperature for Improved Dynamic Range GaAs Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetectors,” Proc.  IEEE/LEOS Meeting on Optoelectronic Materials Growth and Processing, Lake Tahoe, NV July 11-13, 1994.
·         U. R. Abeyratne, B. Nabet and W.K.Krebs, “Processing of Ultrasound and Night Vision Images by Boundary Contour-Feature Contour Model of Biological Vision,” Proc. World Congress in Neural Networks (WCNN) San-Diego, CA, Vol. IV, 307-313, June 7-10, 1994.
·         K. Pourrezaie, K. Scoles, and B. Nabet, “A New Project-Oriented Program in Introductory Electronics Course,” Proc. 1994 ASEE Annual Conference.
·         B. Nabet, A. Paolella, P. Cooke, M. L. Lemuene, R.P. Moerkirk, and L.C. Liou “The Effect of Growth Temperature on the Response of Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetectors,” Proc. Army Science Conf., Orlando, FL, July 1994.
·         B. Nabet and V. Shreesha, “Modeling and Electronic Implementation of Directional Selectivity, (Invited), Proc. IEEE Sys. Man and Cybernetics Conf. La Touquet, France, Vol. III, 484-489, Oct. 17-20, 1993.
·         B. Nabet, “Analog Hardware Implementation of Two Motion Detectors,” Proc. World Congress in Neural Networks (WCNN), Portland OR, vol. IV, P.791-794, July 11-14, 1993.
·         B. Nabet, L.C. Liou, and A. Paolella “Transit time and RC Time Constant Trade-Offs in MSM Photodetectors,” David Sarnoff Research Conference, Princeton, NJ March 1993.
·         B. Nabet, “Membrane Equation and Implementation of Neural Networks,” Proceedings Government Neural Networks Applications Workshop, Dayton, OH, Vol. 1, pp. 37-41, August 24-28, 1992.
·         V. Shreesha and B. Nabet, “Modeling of a Motion Detector,” Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. Control and Robotics, August 4-6, Vancouver, Canada, 1992.
·         B. Nabet and V. Shreesha, L. Loielo, S. Young, A. Levytsky, and G. Seagrave, “Implementation of Two Motion Detectors: Shunting and Reichardt,” Proc. Neural Networks for Learning, Recognition, and Control, Wang Institute of Boston University, p. 66, May 14-16, 1992.
·         B. Nabet and L. Hojda, ” Feedforward Shunting Inhibitory Neural Networks,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conf., pp. 1446-1447, Orlando, Fl., Nov., 1991.
·         B. Nabet and L. Hojda, “Circuits for Feedforward and Feedback Multiplicative Inhibitory Networks,” in Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks, C.H.Dagli, S.R.T.Kumara, and Y.C.Shin eds, Proc. Int. Conf. Artificial Neural Networks in Eng.  pp. 447-452 St. Louis,  MO, Nov. 10- 12, 1991.
·         B. Nabet, “Adaptation by Change of Passive Membrane Conductance,” Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks, II A- 936, Seattle, WA, July 8-12, 1991.
·         B. Nabet, V. Shreesha, L. Hojda, G. Seagrave, and K. Scoles, “Elements of an On-Chip Visual System,” Proc. of Neural Networks for Vision and Image Processing, p-46, Boston, MA, May 10-12, 1991.
·         A. Bouzerdom, B. Nabet, and R.B. Pinter, “Analysis and Analog Implementation of Directionally Sensitive Shunting Inhibitory Neural Networks” Proc. SPIE Conference on Electro-Optics for Signal Processing, pp. 29-38, Orlando, Fl, 1991.
·         R.B. Darling, B. Nabet, and R.B. Pinter, “Implementation of Analog Shunting Neural Networks for Optoelectronic Detection  and  Processing,”  (Invited) Proceedings  of the  IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 465-469, Portland, OR May, 1989.
·         B. Nabet, R. B. Darling, and R. B. Pinter, “Analog Implementation of Shunting Neural Networks,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, D.S. Touretzky ed., Morgan Kauffman Publishers, pp. 695-702, 1989. Presented  at IEEE  Conference  on Neural  Information  Processing Systems: Natural  and Synthetic,  Denver  CO., Nov. 1988.
·         R. B.  Darling and B. Nabet, “Prospects for Integration of Sensory Neural  Networks  on  Gallium Arsenide Photodetector Arrays,” (Invited) Conference Records, Northcon 88 , Vol. 2, pp. 946-952, Seattle, WA, Oct. 1988.
·         B. Nabet and R. B. Darling, “Implementation of Optical Sensory Neural Network with Simple Discrete and Monolithic Circuits” Neural Networks Vol. 1, Suppl. 1, pp.396, Presented at INNS Meeting, Boston, MA, Sept. 1988.


Books and Chapters:

  1. B. Nabet and R. B. Pinter, Sensory Neural Networks: Lateral Inhibition, Boca Raton, Fl: CRC Press, 1991.
  2. R. B. Pinter and B. Nabet, “Field Adaptation in Visual Neural Network is a Functions  of  Nonlinear Lateral Inhibition,” chapter in Neural Networks, Concepts, Applications and Implementation, P. Antognetti and V.Milutinovic Eds., vol. III, 21-48, Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991.
  3. R. B. Pinter and B. Nabet (eds), Nonlinear Vision: Determination of Neural Receptive Fields, Functions, and Networks, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1992.
  4. B. Nabet, “Electronic Hardware for Vision Modeling,”in Nonlinear Vision: Determination of Neural Receptive Fields, Functions, and Networks, R. B. Pinter and B. Nabet eds., 463- 474, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1992.
  5. B. Nabet and R. B. Pinter “Multiplicative Inhibition and Volterra Series Expansion,” in Nonlinear Vision: Determination of Neural Receptive Fields, Functions, and Networks, R. B. Pinter and B. Nabet eds., 474- 491, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1992.
  6. R. B. Pinter, B. Nabet and A.B. Bouzerdoum “Cybernetics” in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electronics andElectrical Engineering, J.G.Webster Ed., 1998.
  7. B. Nabet, F. Castro, A. Anwar, and A. Cola “Heterodimensional Contacts and Optical Detection,” Frontiers inElectronics: From Materials to Systems Edited by Y.S. Park, S. Luryi, M.S. Shur, J.M. Xu, A. Zaslavsky, World Scientific Publishing, Sept. 2000.
  8. B. Nabet , A. Anwar, F. Quaranta, and A.Cola, “Heterojunction and Heterodimensional Photonic Devices” Recent Research Development in Applied Physics, Transworld Research Network, Kerala, India, ISBN 81-7895-085-5 pp. 135-147 (2003).
  9. E. Gallo, A. Anwar, and B. Nabet, “Contact-induced properties of semiconducting nanowires and their local gating,” Guceri et al eds, Nato ASI Series, Nanoengineering and Nanofibrous Materials, Kluwer AcademicPublishers ISBN 1-4020-2549-1 pp. 313-322, 2004.
  10. Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Photodetectors and Imaging Technologies,” Sensors. 2010.
  11. B. Nabet,   “Special   Issue   on   “Photodetectors”   Guest   Editor,   Sensors   (2012)   (ISSN   1424-8220)
  12. B. Nabet, P. Dianat, Xia Zhao, A. Anwar Seddik, F. Castro, and Marc Currie “High Speed, High Sensitivity, Low Power Photodetector” in Photodetectors: materials, devices, applications, B. Nabet, editor, Woodhead Publishing, imprint of Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Cambridge, England. PP. 21-42, (2015) ISBN: 9781782424451
  13. Photodetectors: materials, devices, applications B. Nabet, editor, Woodhead Publishing, imprint of Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Cambridge, England (2015) ISBN: 9781782424451


  1. B. Nabet, R.B. Darling, and R.B. Pinter, “Optoelectronic Sensory Neural Networks,” US Patent Number 5,130,563, issued July 14, 1992.
  2. B. Nabet and A. Paolella, “Optical Field-Effect Transistor with improved sensitivity” 5,567,973  issued Oct. 22, 1996.
  3. B. Nabet, “Nano Plasmonic Devices,” Patent 7,705,415 issued April 27, 2010.
  4. B. Nabet and J. Spanier, “Nanowire based plasmonics,” U.S. Patent No. 11/304,049 issued 20 October 2011.
  5. B. Nabet, J. Shackleford, R. Grote, J.E. Spanier, “Integrated Plasmonic Lens Photodetector,” Application Number 12/856,506, filed Aug 14, 2010.
  6. B. Nabet “Nano Structured Solar Cells with Electron Plasma” Application 61/547,214 filed Oct. 14, 2011. 7-       B. Nabet, P. Dianat, R. Prusak, E. Galo, “Switchable Capacitors with Embedded Charge Reservoirs” Application 61/635,274 filed April 18, 2012.