
*Corresponding author


Tayamen, A., Amsterdam, S., Chang, W.* A Model-informed Analysis of Battery Electrodes Using Non-contact Air-coupled Ultrasound. Pre-Print

Amsterdam, S., Chang, W.* Design of a Low-Cost Ultrasonic Testing Instrument for Battery Metrology, Electrochimica Acta (VSI: BeLI24). Link, Pre-Print


Sun, K., Thorsteinsson, G., Stiber, A., Katzman, L., Chang, W., May, R., Steingart, D. Chemo-Mechanical Hysteresis of Sulfur Conversion Electrodes via Operando Acoustic Transmission, J. Electrochem. Soc. Link

Chang, W.*, Dubarry, M., Lowe, J., Reed, S., From Cells to Cars: Developing an Electrochemical Techniques and Diagnostics Course for New Battery Engineers, iScience. Link, PDF

Hatzell, K.*, Chang, W.*, Bao, W., Cai., M., Glossmann, T., Kalnaus, S., Liaw, B., Meng, S., Mohtadi, R., Wang, Y., Aligning Lithium Metal Battery Research and Development Across Academia and Industry, Joule. Link, PDF

Chang, W., Jain, A., Rezaie, F., Manthiram, K.*, Lithium-Mediated Nitrogen Reduction to Ammonia Via the Catalytic Solid-Electrolyte Interphase, Nature Catalysis. Link, PDF

Chang, W., Thorsteinsson, G., Janakiraman, U., Chowdhury, R., Herman, Z., Katzman, L., Steingart, D.*, Relating Chemo-Mechanical Hysteresis and Formation Protocols for Anode-free Lithium Metal Batteries, J. Electrochem. Soc. Link


Chang, W., Xu, T., Steingart, D.*, Chemo-Mechanical Effects of Stack Pressure and Temperature on Anode-Free Lithium Metal Batteries, J. Electrochem. Soc. Link, PDF

Meng, K., Chen, X., Zhang, W., Chang, W., Xu, J.*, A Robust Ultrasonic Characterization Methodology for Lithium-ion Batteries Based on Frequency-Domain Damping Analysis, J. Power Sources. Link


Chang, W., May, R., Wang, M., Thorsteinsson, G., Sakamoto, J., Marbella, L., Steingart, D.*, Evolving Contact Mechanics and Microstructure Formation Dynamics of the Lithium Metal-Li7La3Zr2O12 Interface, Nature CommunicationsLinkPDFSupplementary Data

Chang, W.*, Measuring Transient Electrochemistry of Lithium Metal Anodes Under Varying External Stack Pressures, Electrochemical Society Interface, Winter Issue. Link

Chang, W. Characterizing Chemo-Mechanical Behavior of Lithium Metal Batteries, PhD Dissertation, Princeton University (Sep 2021). Link

Chang, W., Steingart, D.*, Operando 2D Acoustic Characterization of Lithium-Ion Battery Spatial Dynamics, ACS Energy LettersLinkPDF

Chang, W., Bommier, C., Mohr, R., Steingart, D.*, Impact of Non-Arrhenius Temperature Behavior on the Fast-Charging Capabilities of LiCoO2-Graphite Lithium-ion Batteries, J. Phys. Chem. CLinkPDF

Sarkar, A., May, R., Ramesh, S., Chang W., Marbella, L.*, Recovery and Reuse of Composite Cathode Binder in Lithium Ion Batteries, ChemistryOpenLink


Chang, W., Mohr, R., Kim, A., Raj, A., Davies, G., Denner, K., Park, J.H., Steingart, D.*, Measuring Effective Stiffness of Li-ion Batteries via Acoustic Signal Processing, J. Mat. Chem. ALinkPDFMovie

Bommier, C., Chang, W., Lu, Y., Yeung, J., Davies, G., Mohr, R., Williams, M., Steingart, D.*, Operando Acoustic Detection of Li Metal Plating in Commercial LCO/Graphite Pouch Cells, Cell Reports Physical ScienceLinkPDF
– Featured in MRS Bulletin

Chang, W., Park, J.H., Dutta, N., Arnold, C.B., Steingart, D.*, Morphological and Chemical Mapping of Columnar Lithium Metal, Chemistry of MaterialsLinkPDF

Chang, W., Bommier, C., Fair, T., Yeung, J., Patil, S., Steingart, D.*, Understanding Adverse Effects of Temperature Shifts on Li-Ion Batteries: An Operando Acoustic Study, J. Electrochem. SocLinkPDF
– Focus Issue on Battery Safety, Reliability and Mitigation, listed in “Most Read” category in Journal of Electrochemical Society.

Bommier, C., Chang, W., Li, J., Biswas, S., Davies, G., Nanda, J., Steingart, D.*, Operando Acoustic Monitoring of SEI Formation and Long-Term Cycling in NMC/SiGr Composite Pouch Cells, J. Electrochem. SocLink


Chang, W., Park, J.H., Steingart D.*, Poor Man’s Atomic Layer Deposition of LiF for Additive-Free Growth of Lithium Columns, Nano Letters. LinkPDF


Wang, H., Liang, Y., Gong, M., Li, Y., Chang, W., Mefford, T., Zhou, J., Wang, J., Regier, T., Wei, F., Dai, H.*, An Ultrafast Nickel – Iron Battery From Strongly Coupled Inorganic Nanoparticle / Nanocarbon Hybrid Materials, Nature CommunicationsLink
– Featured in The Wall Street JournalScience Daily

Liang, Y., Wang, H., Diao, P., Chang, W., Hong, G., Li, Y., Gong, M., Xie, L., Zhou, J., Wang, J., Regier, T., Wei, F., Dai, H.*, Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalyst Based on Strongly Coupled Cobalt Oxide Nanocrystals and Carbon Nanotubes, J. Am. Chem. SocLink