News Archive 2005



Lingyu receives Lawrence Livermore Travel Award of $500 to attend North American Thermal Analysis Society conference, congratulations!




Prof.Li presents an invited lecture entitled “Nano hybrid shish-kebab: a novel way to functionalize carbon nanotubes” at the International Polymer Physics/Morphology Symposium, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Prof.Li receives grant form Air Force Research Laboratory

Prof.Li receives DuPont Young Professor grant

Research work entitled “Nano-Hybrid Shish-kebab: Polymer decorated carbon Nanotubes” is selected as cover article of Advanced Materials, 2005 Volume 17(9). Also cited by “Faraday Technology Alert-Smart Materials”. Congratulations Lingyu, Steve, Kishore and Dr.Cai




Prof.Li presents an invited lecture entitled “Polymer crystallization-driven, periodical patterning on carbon nanotubes” at the University of Dayton, Ohio

Paper entitled “Holographically patterned, thermally switchable Bragg reflectors” accepted for publication in SOFT MATTER, congratulations to Mike and collaborators Dr.Natarajan, Dr.Tondiglia, Dr.Lloyd, Dr.Sutherland and Dr.Bunning

Prof.Li presents an invited lecture entitled “Polymer crystallization-driven, periodical patterning on carbon nanotubes” at the University of Akron, Ohio

Prof.Li presents an invited lecture entitled “Polymer crystallization-driven, periodical patterning on carbon nanotubes” at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Kishore receives Outstanding Graduate Student Award for the year 2005, congratulations!

Kishore receives Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for 2004-2005, congratulations!

Xiaofang Chen, visiting scholar from Peking University, China group for summer research, Welcome!

Prof.Li receives grant for Nanoscale Exploratory Research




Mike receives Sigma Xi travel grant of $1000 for research related travel reimbursement

Anant joins the group for his M.S. research, he will be working on preparing biological scaffolds by electrospinning. Welcome!

Paper entitled “Morphology and Crystallization Behavior of HDPE/CNT Nanocomposite” accepted for publication in Journal of Macromolecular Science-Physics, congratulations to Steve, Lingyu, Bing and Dr.Cai

Kishore won best poster award at the annual meeting of the Thermal Analysis Forum of Delaware Valley, congratulations!

Prof.Li presents an invited lecture entitled “Polymer crystallization-driven, periodical patterning on carbon nanotubes” at the City University of New York, Staten Island

Paper entitled “Perforated Layer Structures in Liquid Crystalline Rod-Coil Block Copolymers” accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, congratulations to Kishore, Xiaofang, Dr.Tu, Dr.Sics, and collaborators Prof.Wan, Prof. Zhou, and Prof.Hsiao

Paper entitled “Holographically patterned, thermally switchable Bragg reflectors” highlighted in the Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Technology News, congratulations to Mike and collaborators