Liam is a PhD student in the Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering Department at Drexel University. He received both his BS in Architectural Engineering and MS in Civil Engineering at Drexel. For his undergraduate design project, he and his team competed in the 2010 Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) Design Competition, where the team won first place in the structural engineering and mechanical engineering categories, and second place in the building integration category. His MS thesis, funded by the Department of Homeland Security through an MRABE Fellowship, looked at how different building factors relate to contaminant retention rates in US medium office buildings. Currently his research is funded through the Greater Philadelphia Innovation Cluster (GPIC), where his work in building energy modeling contributes to the Policy, Markets, and Behavior (PMB) macro-modeling effort.
Liam’s research interests are focused on the costs and benefits (both tangible and intangible) of energy efficiency upgrades in buildings, coupled with understanding the impact of public policy on the energy efficiency market. Some of Liam’s other interests include: building simulation modeling, indoor air quality modeling, quantitative risk assessment, and intelligent building design.
Taylor, R., Casey, P., Hendricken, L., Otto, K., Sisson, W., Gurian, P., Wen, J. (2013). The Simulation of Long Term Trends in Building Energy Consumption Due to the Impact of Market-Based Policies to Encourage Adoption of Energy Conservation Measures. Paper accepted at CLIMA 2013, Prague, CZE.
Hendricken, L., Otto, K., Wen, J., Gurian, P.L. and Sisson, W. (2012). Capital Costs and Energy Savings Achieved by Energy Conservation Measures for Office Buildings in the Greater Philadephia Region. Paper presented at SimBuild 2012, Madison, WI.
Otto, K., Hendricken, L., Gurian, P.L., Dassinger, A. and Sisson, W. (2012). The Impact of Stakeholder Decision Criteria on Energy Efficient Retrofits in the Mid-Sized Office Sector. Paper presented at 7th International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings 2012, Frankfurt, GER.
Hendricken, L. (2011). Whole-Building, Variation of Building Parameters Simulation for Understanding Contaminant Retention Rates: Medium Office Building Case Study (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from iDEA: Drexel E-repository and Archives.
Hendricken, L., Wen, J. & Persily, A.K. (2011). Framework and Case Study for Understanding Factors Impacting Outdoor Contaminant Entry into Commercial Buildings. Paper presented at The Department of Homeland Security Science Conference 2011, Washington, D.C.
Email: lth23 [at] drexel [dot] edu