The IN2WIBE network team (Jin Wen, Simi Hoque, Burcin Becerik-Gerber, Teresa Wu, Zheng O’Neill, Giulia Pedrielli) hosted the IN2WIBE (International Network of Networks for Well -being in the Built Environment) fifth workshop – Enabling Technologies for Well-being In the Built Environment (ET4WIBE), at Drexel University from 09/14 to 09/15 2023. More than 50 experts worldwide, coming from the academia, national laboratories, and the industry, gathered together to identify the current needs, gaps, and future direction for core enabling technologies that promote well-being in the built environment. The workshop also hosted a small-scale enabling technology showcase, which demonstrated new sensing and control technologies from the industry participants; an industry panel discussion on current status of ET4WIBE, which was formed by technology leaders from relevant industries, and a 3-min flash talk to provide opportunities for participants to present their research background and interests.
We hope to keep the momentum of this group and push the needle forward with Well-being research in the built environment.