The ASHRAE conference paper “A Simulation Framework for Analyzing the Impact of Stochastic Occupant Behaviors on Demand Flexibility in Typical Commercial Buildings” won the ASHRAE Crosby Field Award. This award is for the highest rated paper presented in any ASHRAE technical session, symposium or poster session, or at a Society meeting in a given year. This paper is based on some findings from our DOE BENEFIT project EE0009153 “Hardware-in-the-Loop Laboratory Performance Verification of Flexible Building Equipment in a Typical Commercial Building”. Thanks to the leading author Zhelun “Aaron” Chen and all co-authors: Yicheng Li, Amanda Pertzborn, Vance Payne, L. James Lo, Gabe Grajewski, Zheng O’Neill and Steven T. Bushby. The paper can be read from here: Paper Link