Our lab conducts research on topics related to water, sustainability, and climate change. We work towards developing solutions through interdisciplinary approaches and collaborative research. We are committed to contributing to the scientific community’s knowledge and understanding of these critical issues and support strategies that will have a positive impact in the world.
- Seeking highly motivated PhD students with background in programming languages (Python, R, MATLAB) and interests in working with data processing, applying different types of models and machine learning as tools to describe natural processes, understand causes and impacts of pressing environmental issues, and translate scientific findings into actions to support decision-making and improve the water resource quality for multiple communities.
- Seeking highly motivated students with background and interest in doing field and lab work to analyze stable water isotopes and water quality constituents and build a local database, contributing to data creation and accessibility, and using field data to enhance model performance and to support informative decision-making.
For more information on how to apply, please visit Join.