Click on a project below to learn more.
- mmWave SDR Testbed
- Grid Software Defined Radio Testbed
- Medical Cyberphysical Systems
- Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
- DARPA Spectrum Collaboration Challenge
- Radio Wars for Wireless Visualization and Education
- Millimeter Wave Antenna Design
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Reconfigurable Antennas
- Functional Fabrics for the Internet of Things
- MXene and Non-Traditional Material Antennas
- New Antenna Technologies for Interference Alignment and Multi-User MIMO
- Free Space Optical Communication
- Ultrasonic Through-Metal Communication
- Sensor Networks for Homeland Security and Environmental Sensing
- Smart Antenna and MIMO System Characterization
- mmWave SDR Testbed
- Grid Software Defined Radio Testbed