Over the years DWSL has been supported by a range of sponsors from the industry, military and government. Industrial support for DWSL has ranged from donations of specialized instrumentation to sponsored research agreements from several major wireless equipment vendors and solution providers. DWSL is grateful to receive research sponsorship from the following organizations:

National Science Foundation – with the following projects:
- NeTS:Small: Functional Fabric Devices and Architectures for the Internet of Things
- MRI: Development of a mmWave Software Defined Radio Network Testbed for Hybrid Measurement and Emulation
- II-NEW: Scalable Software Defined Radio Network Testbed for Hybrid Measurement and Emulation
- SaTC: EDU: Software Defined Radio Wars for Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Education
- NRT IGE: Pedagogical Readiness Oversight for Future Educators in STEM Subjects (PROFESS)
- EAGER: SC2 – Team Dragon Radio
- WiFiUS: Collaborative Research – Future Small-Cell Networks using Reconfigurable Antennas
- NeTS-Small: Enhanced Interference Alignment for Networks using Reconfigurable Antennas
- PFI: BIC Wearable Smart Textiles Based on Programmable and Automated Knitting Technology for Biomedical and Sensor Actuation Applications
- Capacity Building: Development and Dissemination of the Drexel University Cybersecurity Program
- TTP-Medium: Securing the Wireless Philadelphia Network
- Hybrid Wireless Network-on-Chips
- A Meso-Scale GENI WiMAX Project
- Reconfigurable Antenna-based Enhancement of Dynamic Spectrum Access Algorithms
- A Framework for Wireless Network Security Based on Reconfigurable Antennas
- NeTS-Medium: Collaborative Research – Cooperative Beamforming for Effecient and Secure Wireless Communications
- MRI: Development of Software Defined Communications Testbed for Radio and Optical Wireless Networking
- NeTS-Small: Cognitive Antennas for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
- II-NEW: MIMO Software Defined Communication Testbed for UWB Radio and Free Space Optics
- Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Diffuse Optical Local Area Networks
- NeTS – ProWiN: Collaborative Research – Exploiting Flexible PHYs in Networks: Prototype and Algorithms
- NR: Practical Strategies using Smart Antennas for Mobile Ad Hoc Networking
- Collaborative Research: Applied Electromagnetic Characterization of wideband Multi-Array Communication

National Institutes of Health – with the projects:

National Security Agency – with the following projects:

Department of Education – with the project:

Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition – with the project:

Office of Naval Research – with the projects:

Army Communications – Electronics Command – with the project:

Naval Research Laboratory – with the project

Picatinny Arsenal (ARDEC) – with the project:

Lockheed Martin – with the following projects:
Ventura Solutions, Inc. – with the project:

L3 Communications, with the project:

Ben Franklin Technology Partners – with the project:

Drexel Coulter Translational Research Program – with the project: