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Baris Taskin

Biography, Education, Experience, Curriculum Vitae and Contact Info

Ph.D. Students

Leo Filippini

Scott Lerner

Michael Lui

Vasil Pano

Karthik Sangaiah

Can Sitik

MS Students

Sophie Germain (2015) [visiting from Grenoble Institute of Technology]

Undergraduate Researchers

Gabrielle Madden (2015) [Drexel STARS scholar]

Isikcan Yilmaz (2015) [Drexel]

Eronides Felisberto Da Silva Neto (2015) [Temple]

George Slavin (2015) [Drexel]

Habeeb Olawin (2014) [Drexel STARS scholar]

Fernando Ellis (2013) [RIT - NSF REU]

Daniel Schoepflin (2013) [Drexel STARS scholar]

Giordano Salvador (2013-2014) [Penn - NSF REU]

Vasil Pano (2013-2014) [Drexel]

Andrew Apollonsky (2012) [Cooper Union - NSF REU]

Michael Miller (2012) [Goshen College - NSF REU]

Michael Sineriz (2012) [Maryland - NSF REU]

Scott Lerner (2012-2014)

Isuru Daulagala (2012) [Drexel]

Catherine Leis (2011) [Drexel, MS at Penn]

Asha Habib (2011) [Bryn Mawr College - NSF REU]

Kevin Linger (2011) [University of Virginia - NSF REU]

Andrew Richard Benton (2011) [Drexel STARS scholar]

David Hocky (2011) [Drexel STARS scholar]

Yusuf Aksehir (2010) [Sabanci University]

Abdalla Musmar (2010) [An-Najah National University - NSF REU, graduate school at Carnegie Mellon University]

Michael Edoror (2010) [University of Maryland - NSF REU]

Bo Hyun Kim (2010) [Carnegie Mellon University, graduate school at Columbia University]

S. Kutal Gokce (2008) [Middle East Technical University (METU), M.S. at Koc University, Ph.D. at U of Texas-Austin]

Can Hankendi (2008) [Sabanci University, M.S. at USC, Ph.D. at Boston University]

Danh Nguyen (2007) [Ph.D. at Drexel University]

Senior Design Advisees

Gjergji Konica, Katie Leis, Scott Lerner, Vasil Pano (2013-2014)

Jeffrey Eckert, Neev Wanvari (2012-2013)

Kevin Daly, Tiffany Lakins, Ramen Tieu (2010-2011)

Eric Fargnoli, Colby Weingarten (2009-2010)

Daniel Oakum, Gerre Strait, Kyle Yencha, Matthew Zofchak (2008-2009)

Andy Chiu, Jonathan Salkind, Daniel Venutolo (2006-2007)

Joseph DeMaio, Owen Farrell, Michael Hazeltine, Ryan Ketner (2006-2007)

James Cantwell, Matthew Kordbegli, Jason Myers, Scott Myers (2006-2007)

Jonathan Gevaryahu, Nemanja Milosavljevic, Ana Luiza Silva, Mary Vuong (2006-2007)

David Dimm, Roshani Patel (2005-2006)

High-School Researchers

Ilteris K. Canberk (2010) [Robert College, undergraduate at Carnegie Mellon University]

Group Alumni

PhD graduates

Ying Teng (Ph.D., 2014) [First job: Apple], Dissertation: Low Power Resonant Rotary Global Clock Distribution Network Design

Ankit More (Ph.D., 2013) [First job: Intel Research], Dissertation: Network-on-Chip (NoC) Architectures for Exa-Scale Chip-Multi-Processors (CMPs)

Jianchao Lu (Ph.D., 2011), [First job: Synopsys, currently at LinkedIn], Dissertation: High Performance IC Clock Networks with Grid and Tree Topologies

Vinayak Honkote (Ph.D., 2010), [First job: Intel, currently at Intel Research], Dissertation: Design Automation and Analysis of Resonant Clocking Technologies

MS graduates

Stephen DeLuca (M.S., 2015) [First job: Intel]

Julian Kemmerer, (MS, 2014) [First job: Susquehanna International Group]

Swetha George (M.S., 2012) [Ph.D. at the University of Rochester]

Kevin Daly (MS, 2011)

Sharat C. Shekar (MS, 2011) [First job: Samsung Austin Research, currently at Apple]

Xiaomi Mao (M.S., 2011) [First job: Oracle/Sun]

Yaswanth Simhadri (MS, 2008)

Shannon M. Kurtas (BS/MS, 2007) [First job: Intel, currently at Deutsche Bank], Thesis: Statistical Static Timing Analysis of Nonzero Clock Skew Circuits