Karthik Sangaiah

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Karthik "Paco" Sangaiah


Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, 2020

Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

B.S. and M.S. in Computer Engineering, 2012

Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Research Interests

  • Heterogeneous Computing
  • Computer Architecture
  • High Performance Computing
  • Communication Interconnects

Curriculum Vitae

Karthik Sangaiah CV (Dec. 2020)


  1. Karthik Sangaiah, Michael Lui, Ragh Kuttappa, Baris Taskin, and Mark Hempstead, "SnackNoC: Processing in the Communication Layer", Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), February 2020[ Slides ].
  2. A. Hankin, T. Shapira, K. Sangaiah, M. Lui, M. Hempstead, "Evaluation of Non-Volatile Memory based Last Level Cache given Modern Use Case Behavior", Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), Nov. 2019.
  3. M. Lui, K. Sangaiah, M. Hempstead, and B. Taskin, "Towards Cross-Framework Workload Analysis via Flexible Event-Driven Interfaces", Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), Belfast, Northern Ireland, April 2018.
  4. K. Sangaiah, M. Lui, R. Jagtap, S. Diestelhorst, S. Nilakantan, A. More, B. Taskin, and M. Hempstead, "SynchroTrace: Synchronization-aware Architecture-agnostic Traces for Light-Weight Multicore Simulation of CMP and HPC Workloads", ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), Volume 15, Issue 1, April 2018 [ Pre-Print ].
  5. K. Sangaiah, B. Taskin, and M. Hempstead, "Fast Multicore Simulation and Performance Analysis of HPC Applications with SynchroTrace", Boston Area Architecture (BARC) Workshop, January 2016.
  6. K. Sangaiah, M. Hempstead and B. Taskin, “Uncore RPD: Rapid Design Space Exploration of the Uncore via Regression Modeling”, Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), November 2015, pp. 365–372.
  7. S. Nilakantan, K. Sangaiah, A. More, G. Salvador, B. Taskin, M. Hempstead, ”SynchroTrace: Synchronization-aware Architecture-agnostic Traces for Light-Weight Multi-core Simulation”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS 2015), 29-31 March 2015, pp. 278-287.
  8. K. Sangaiah and P. Nagvajara, "Variable fractional digital delay filter on reconfigurable hardware," in Proceedings of IEEE 55th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS 2012), 5-8 August 2012, pp. 430-433.
  9. S. Nilakantan, S. Annangi, N. Gulati, K. Sangaiah, M. Hempstead, "Evaluation of an accelerator architecture for Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion," Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES), 2011 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on, 9-14 Oct. 2011, pp.185-194.


  • ECE-C301: Advanced Programming for Engineers (Fall 2017)
  • ECE-C302: Digital Systems Projects (Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2017)
  • ECE-C304: Design with Microcontrollers (Winter 2014)
  • ECE-C355: Computer Architecture (Summer 2014, Winter 2017)
  • ECE 203: Programming for Engineers (Winter 2018)
  • ENGR 121: Computation Lab I (Fall 2017)

Contact Information

3141 Chestnut Street
Department of ECE
Drexel University
Bossone 405
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Email: ks499@drexel.edu

Linkedin: Karthik Sangaiah