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Paper Published in Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Hui Li, Mengyan Li, Wan Y. Shih, Peter I. Lelkes, and Wei-Heng Shih’s latest paper, titled “Cytotoxicity Tests of Water Soluble ZnS and CdS Quantum Dots,” has been published online in Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. From the abstract: “Cytotoxicity tests of zinc sulfide (ZnS) and cadmium sulfide (CdS) quantum dots (QDs) synthesized via all-aqueous …

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Paper Published in Sensors and Actuators B

Joseph A. Capobianco, Wan Y. Shih, Gregory P. Adams, Wei-Heng Shih’s latest paper, titled “Label-free Her2 detection and dissociation constant assessment in diluted human serum using a longitudinal extension mode of a piezoelectric microcantilever sensor,” has been published online in Sensors and Actuators B. From the abstract: “We have investigated real-time, label-free, in situ detection …

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Paper Published in Applied Physics Letters

Xiaotong Gao, Wei-Heng Shih, and Wan Y. Shih’s latest paper, titled “Vibration energy harvesting using piezoelectric unimorph cantilevers with unequal piezoelectric and nonpiezoelectric lengths,” has been published online in Applied Physics Letters. From the abstract: “We have examined a piezoelectric unimorph cantilever PUC with unequal piezoelectric and nonpiezoelectric lengths for vibration energy harvesting theoretically by …

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Drexel Research Day 2011 for Giang Au

The winner of the poster award for graduate student in Biology and Biomedical category is Aqueous Cd1-xPbxS Quantum Dots for Near Infrared Imaging. The author is Giang Au and co-author is S-Ja Tseng. Advisors are Dr. Wan Y. Shih and Dr. Wei-Heng Shih.

Drexel’s portable breast cancer scanner receives licensing from Philly-based UE Life Sciences

Every year, foundations for breast cancer awareness tout the importance of getting a mammogram for early detection and prevention of this deadly disease. But for women in other parts of the world who may not have easy access to health care, a treatment requiring expensive x-ray equipment may not be practical. As a breast cancer …

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STAR Scholars Yujun Xie and Jacob Parrott

On August 25th, STAR Scholars Yujun Xie presented the poster, Investigation of effect of morphology and concentration on CdSe quantum dots, and Jacob Parrott presented the poster, Investigating the Effect of Concentration and Measuring the Photoluminescence of Solid ZnS Quantum Dots, in Drexel University STAR Scholars conference.

Paper Published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics

Joseph A. Capobianco, Wei-Heng Shih, Jiann-Horng Leu, Grace Chu-Fang Lo, and Wan Y. Shih’s latest paper, titled “Label Free Detection of White Spot Syndrome Virus Using Lead Magnesium Niobate-Lead Titanate Piezoelectric Microcantilever Sensors,” has been published online in Biosensors and Bioelectronics. From the abstract: “We have investigated rapid, label free detection of white spot syndrome …

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Paper Published in Review of Scientific Instruments

Hakki Yegingil, Wan Y. Shih, and Wei-Heng Shih’s latest paper, titled “Probing Model Tumor Interfacial Properties Using Piezoelectric Cantilevers,” has been published online in Review of Scientific Instruments. From the abstract: “Invasive malignant breast cancers are typically branchy and benign breast tumors are typically smooth. It is of interest to characterize tumor branchiness (roughness) to …

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Welcome to Sensor and Functional Materials Group