Faculty Advisor

Wei Sun, Ph.D.

Wei Sun is currently appointed as Albert Soffa Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, with an affiliate appointment in the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science, and Health Systems at Drexel University. Sun’s research and education interests include Computer-Aided Tissue Engineering, Biomechanical Engineering, Design and Manufacturing, CAD/CAM and Solid Freeform Fabrication. Sun is currently elected as the Editor-in-Chief for Biofabrication (published by the Institute of Physics, 2008-present).

Tel: 215-895-5810; Fax: 215-895-2094; E-mail: sunwei@drexel.edu;

Homepage: http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~sunwei

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Research Team



Qudus Hamid, Ph.D.

Dr. Qudus Hamid received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the Biofabrication Laboratory under the supervision of Professor Wei Sun at Drexel University. Dr. Hamid developed a novel fabrication system, co-authored several referred journal articles and presented at conferences worldwide.  In addition, Dr. Hamid has co-authored over 12 referred journal articles, 17 conference proceedings, 2 invited book chapters, 1 published book, and co-inventor of 6 US patent applications. He is currently a Research Associate at Drexel University.

Email: qh25@drexel.edu



Chengyang Wang, Ph.D. Candidate

Chengyang Wang is pursuing his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering. His expertise includes Organic Chemistry, Biochemisty, Properties of Polymers, CAD/CAM. He is currently working on nano-biofabrication.

Email: cw433@drexel.edu



Yigong Liu, Ph.D. Candidate

Yigong Liu is pursuing his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering. His expertise are three-dimensional cell printing, nanoparticle fabircation. He is working on nanoparticle fabrication for neural tissue engineering, multicellular in vitro model, therapeutic in vitro cancer model.

Email: yl525@drexel.edu



Mi Thant Mon Soe, Ph.D. Student

Thant is pursuing her Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering. Her primary research focus is on 3d printing of thermosensitive gels.  Her previous work includes ultrasound contrast microbubbles for targeted drug delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs, drug loaded nanoparticles, suspension bioreactors for antibody production, transgenic mice models of pulmonary arterial hypertension, in vitro assays to study asthma drug desensitization pathways, in vitro release of osteoinductive agents from bone graft substitutes, and pharmacokinetic studies of small molecules in rats.

Email: ms3297@drexel.edu

Abhishek Singh, B.S. Student

I am Abhishek Singh, I am studying Mechanical engineering at Drexel University and currently a senior year student.For senior design project our group is making a 3-D multi nozzle bio printer which can fabricate organs and tissues.

Marissa Seybert, B.S. Student

Marissa Seybert is an undergraduate student at Drexel University pursuing a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics.  Her primary areas of interest include manufacturing engineering, quality assurance. and project management.  She will be working as a Quality Assurance Engineer at DSM Biomedical upon graduation in June of 2016.  She is currently part of a senior design team working on developing a multi-nozzle biological printer capable of constructing 3-D architecture for applications within regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.

Caleb Paioletti, B.S. Student

Caleb Paioletti is a graduating senior that will be receiving his Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering. His interests include machine design and control systems. To this end some of his experiences include working as a teaching assistant for a product development class, various machining processes  and rapid prototyping, as well as motion system/automation design. He is currently working on a new biological three-dimensional printer system under the advisement of Dr. Qudus Hamid and Dr. Wei Sun as his senior capstone project.

Taihao Shen, B.S./M.S. Student

Taihao Shen is pursuing both of his bachelor and master degree in mechanical engineering. His primary interest areas of studies are three-dimensional cell printing and bio-fabrication. He is planning to work out his BS senior design and MS thesis under these areas of studies during year of 2016 and 2017.

Todd Hullfish, B.S. Student

Todd Hullfish is an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics. His areas of interest include Bioechanics, Finite Element Modeling, and Product Design. Todd has presented at conferences, written and co-authored papers, and won a number of awards for outstanding presentation and professional achievement. His current endeavors focus on the development of a 3D Printed Micro Liver-on-a-Chip as part of his Senior Design Project under the advisement of Dr.Wei Sun and Dr. Qudus Hamid. Outside of the lab, Todd is the acting Music Director of 8 to the Bar, Drexel's only All Male A Cappella group.

Adam Geffner, High School Student

Mr. Adam Geffner is enrolled at the Science Research Program at Livingston High School in Livingston, NJ.  Adam is part of a research program where each student is required to find an interest and present published research articles in this field to the rest of the class. Once a topic is chosen, the students immerse themselves in reading the published research and search for an appropriate mentor with whom they could perform a manageable research project.  Adam will spend his summer printing cells.

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Jessica Snyder, Ph.D. (graduated: 6/2014)

Current Position: Post-doctor Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA


Eda Yildirim-Ayan, Ph.D. (graduated: 7/2010)

Current Position: Assistant Professor, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH



Robert Chang, Ph.D. (graduated: 6/2009)

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Stevens Insitute of Technology, Hudson, NJ



Lauren Shor, Ph.D. (graduated: 12/2008, Co-advisor)

Current Position: Post-doctor Fellow, Queens Mary College, London, UK



Kalyani Nair, Ph.D. (graduated: 6/2008)

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Bradley University, IL



Connie Gomez, Ph.D. (graduated: 8/2007)

Current Position: Assistant Professor, Univ. of Texas at EI Paso, TX



Binil Starly, Ph.D. (graduated: 6/2006)

Current Position: Associate Professor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC


Andrew Darling, Ph.D. (graduated: 12/2005)

Current Position: Post-doctor Fellow, Cornel University


Saif Khalil, Ph.D. (graduated: 12/2005)

Current Position: Group Research Manager, Globus Medical Inc., Pennsylvania



Zhibin Fang, Ph.D. (graduated: 9/2005)

Current Position: Senior Enginer, Zimmer Corporation, Indiana



Xiaochun Hu, Ph.D. (graduated: 6/2002)

Current Position: Professor, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China



Dr. Feng Lin, Post-doctor Fellow (12/1998-5/2002)

Current Position: Professor, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China



Dr. Feng Wang, Post-doctor Fellow (1/2003-12/2003)

Current Position: Staff Mechanical Engineer, PerkinElmer Inc., CA



Dr. Milind Gandhi, Post-doctor Fellow (1/2007-1/2008)

Current Position: Research Associate, University of Illinois at Chicago


High School/ B.S./M.S. Alumni

Amanda Hamid, Summer Intern (2015)

Sorasicha Nithikasem, Summer Intern (2014)

Aerin Son, B.S./M.S. (graduated: 6/2014)

Yanwei Sun, M.S. (graduated: 6/2010)

Lauren Bentley, M.S. (graduated: 6/2008, co-advisor)

Robyn Besunder, M.S. (graduated: 8/2007, co-advisor)

Jennifer Vondran, M.S. (graduated: 6/2007, co-advisor)

Xi Yin, M.S. (graduated: 6/2006)

Peter Evans, M.S. (graduated: 6/2006)

Xun Zhou, M.S. (graduated: 3/2006)

Ganesh Subbara, M.S. (graduated: 6/2003)

Tao Jiang, M.S. (graduated: 6/2002)

Alok Dwivedi, M.S. (graduated: 6/2001)

Deepak Dcosta, M.S. (graduated: 6/2001)

Palavi Lal, M.S. (graduated: 6/2000)

Pavan Kumar K., M.S. (graduated: 6/2000)

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Honors of the fellow-students:

1. Best Doctoral Dissertation Award in Mathematics and Engineering, Robert Chang, Drexel University, 2009.

2. Graduate Research Award, Eda Yildirim, Drexel University, 2009.

3. Most Likely To Enhance Drexel’s Reputation Award, Binil Starly Ph.D. Dissertation, Drexel University, 2006.

4. Best Oral Presentation Award: Lauren Shor, co-authored with J. Gordon, Y. An, S. Guceri and W. Sun, for presentation on “Precision Extruding Deposition of Polycaprolactone and Composite Polycaprolactone/Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering", the 2006 IEEE Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Easton, PA, April 1-2, 2006.

5. Best Poster Presentation Award: Kalyani Nair and W., Sun, “Numerical Model for Predicting Mechanical Properties of Cell Encapsulated Hydrogel Scaffolds”, the 2006 IEEE Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Easton, PA, April 1-2, 2006.

6. Best Poster Presentation Award in the Undergraduate Category: Jennifer Vondron, M. Rodriguez and W. Sun, “Preparation of Electrospun Chitosan-Peo Nanofiber”, 2006 Drexel Research Day, April 25, 2006.

7. EMBS 2003 Student Paper Finalists: Andrew Darling, co-authored with W. Sun, “3D Microtomographic Characterization of Precision Fused Deposited Biocompatible Polymer Scaffolds", 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, September Cancun, Mexico, 17-21, 2003.

8. Best Poster Presentation Award in the Graduate Category: Andrew Darling and W. Sun, “Designing endoskeletal prostheses based upon the musculoskeletal structure of the recipient”, 2002 Drexel Research Day, May 7, 2002.

9. Best Poster Awards in the Undergraduate Category: Miller, R. Webber, T., Tornetta, F., Harold, G. and Sun, W., “Customized Snowboard Design”, 2002 Drexel Research Day, May 7. 2002.

10. Dean’s Awards in the Undergraduate Category: White, I., Jeter A. Sun, W. and Costa, R., “The Development of an Aquatic Animaltronic Swimming Alligator”, 2002 Drexel Research Day, May 7. 2002.

11. Third Place for 2002 College of Engineering Senior Design Competition: Miller, R. Webber, T., Tornetta, F., Harold, G. and Sun, W., “Customized Snowboard Design”, 2002.

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