Michael at MRS

PhD student Michael Naguib presented some of his work on MXenes at the MRS fall meeting, which was held November 28 – December 2, 2011 in Boston, MA.

Michael’s poster is entitled “Two-Dimensional Nanocrystals of Transition Metal Carbides and Nitrides Produced by Exfoliation of MAX Phases”. Co-authors are Dr. Murat Kurtoglu, Dr. Volker Presser, Dr. Junjie Niu, Min Heon, and Prof. Yury Gogotsi from the Drexel Nanotechnology Institute, Dr. Jun Lu and Prof. Lars Hultman from IFM at Linkoping University, and Babak Anasori and Prof. Michel W. Barsoum of the MAX phase group. Click poster image below to see pdf.*

*All pdf files are copyright protected. Please email barsoum [at] drexel [dot] edu to obtain access.

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