Lab Group Summer BBQ

This past Wednesday, Dr. Sales invited the research group over to his Point Breeze residence for a small, summer get-together.  Despite a constant/impending threat of storms, the rain held off to give us all a great evening with great views!

I’d like to think that I speak for everyone who attended when I personally say thanks to Dr. Sales and his family!

From left to right: Sean-Erik O’Donnell, Dr. Christopher Sales, Saeed Keshani Langroodi, Shaila Nayak, and Jacob Price

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About Thomas Thompson

Thomas "Tommy" Thompson is a Drexel Junior studying Environmental Engineering and pursuing his BS/MS in the field. He also has a Minor in Ecology and is spending his third and final Co-op working primarily with algae kinetics in Dr. Sales' lab under Jake Price. Tommy currently maintains the Sales Laboratory website.