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Material Electrochemistry Group

The research in our laboratory is focused on the development and characterization of novel nanostructured materials, systems and architectures for batteries, supercapacitors and fuel cells in order to understand electrochemical energy storage and conversion at nanoscale. This fundamental knowledge will help to address practical issues and develop new electrochemical systems for efficient sustainable energy technology. In particular, we are interested in improving the performance characteristics of lithium-ion batteries through fabrication of nano/mesoscale composite electrode materials and solid-state electrolytes. We also explore emerging technologies for energy storage applications, such as metal-air batteries, hybrid supercapacitors, and multivalent intercalation systems, and carry out research to contribute in these directions. In addition, we work on developing new approaches for the integration of nanomaterials into devices to enable system-level characterization and to meet the need for long stability and high performance.

Recent News

July 2023

  • Congratulations to Ryan Andris for a successful defense of his PhD Thesis titled “Creating a Two-Dimensional Heterointerface in Layered Oxide Electrodes for Advanced Electrochemical Energy Storage!
  • Welcome to Kriti Panchal, co-supervised by Prof. Steven May and Dr. Shahram Amini from Pulse Technologies, who joined the group as the PhD student!