Behler, K. D., Stravato, A., Mochalin, V., Korneva, G., Yushin, G., & Gogotsi, Y. (2009). Nanodiamond-Polymer Composite Fibers and Coatings. In ACS Nano (Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 363–369). American Chemical Society (ACS). | PDF
Bhattacharyya, S., Staack, D., Vitol, E. A., Singhal, R., Fridman, A., Friedman, G., & Gogotsi, Y. (2009). Localized Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles Using Nanoscale Corona Discharge in Aqueous Solutions. In Advanced Materials (Vol. 21, Issue 40, pp. 4039–4044). Wiley. | PDF
Dementev, N., Osswald, S., Gogotsi, Y., & Borguet, E. (2009). Purification of carbon nanotubes by dynamic oxidation in air. In Journal of Materials Chemistry (Vol. 19, Issue 42, p. 7904). Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). | PDF
Gogotsi, Y., Portet, C., Osswald, S., Simmons, J. M., Yildirim, T., Laudisio, G., & Fischer, J. E. (2009). Importance of pore size in high-pressure hydrogen storage by porous carbons. In International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Vol. 34, Issue 15, pp. 6314–6319). Elsevier BV. | PDF
Kim, H. S., Singer, J. P., Gogotsi, Y., & Fischer, J. E. (2009). Molybdenum carbide-derived carbon for hydrogen storage. In Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (Vol. 120, Issue 3, pp. 267–271). Elsevier BV. | PDF
Lee, B.-Y., Behler, K., Kurtoglu, M. E., Wynosky-Dolfi, M. A., Rest, R. F., & Gogotsi, Y. (2009). Titanium dioxide-coated nanofibers for advanced filters. In Journal of Nanoparticle Research (Vol. 12, Issue 7, pp. 2511–2519). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. | PDF
Lin, R., Huang, P., Ségalini, J., Largeot, C., Taberna, P. L., Chmiola, J., Gogotsi, Y., & Simon, P. (2009). Solvent effect on the ion adsorption from ionic liquid electrolyte into sub-nanometer carbon pores. In Electrochimica Acta (Vol. 54, Issue 27, pp. 7025–7032). Elsevier BV. | PDF
Lin, R., Taberna, P. L., Chmiola, J., Guay, D., Gogotsi, Y., & Simon, P. (2009). Microelectrode Study of Pore Size, Ion Size, and Solvent Effects on the Charge/Discharge Behavior of Microporous Carbons for Electrical Double-Layer Capacitors. In Journal of The Electrochemical Society (Vol. 156, Issue 1, p. A7). The Electrochemical Society. | PDF
Mochalin, V. N., & Gogotsi, Y. (2009). Wet Chemistry Route to Hydrophobic Blue Fluorescent Nanodiamond. In Journal of the American Chemical Society (Vol. 131, Issue 13, pp. 4594–4595). American Chemical Society (ACS). | PDF
Mochalin, V. N., Sagar, A., Gour, S., & Gogotsi, Y. (2009). Manufacturing Nanosized Fenofibrate by Salt Assisted Milling. In Pharmaceutical Research (Vol. 26, Issue 6, pp. 1365–1370). Springer Science and Business Media LLC. | PDF
Mu, M., Osswald, S., Gogotsi, Y., & Winey, K. I. (2009). Anin situRaman spectroscopy study of stress transfer between carbon nanotubes and polymer. In Nanotechnology (Vol. 20, Issue 33, p. 335703). IOP Publishing. | PDF
Osswald, S., Mochalin, V. N., Havel, M., Yushin, G., & Gogotsi, Y. (2009). Phonon confinement effects in the Raman spectrum of nanodiamond. In Physical Review B (Vol. 80, Issue 7). American Physical Society (APS). | PDF
Osswald, S., Portet, C., Gogotsi, Y., Laudisio, G., Singer, J. P., Fischer, J. E., Sokolov, V. V., Kukushkina, J. A., & Kravchik, A. E. (2009). Porosity control in nanoporous carbide-derived carbon by oxidation in air and carbon dioxide. In Journal of Solid State Chemistry (Vol. 182, Issue 7, pp. 1733–1741). Elsevier BV. | PDF
Park, S., Lian, K., & Gogotsi, Y. (2009). Pseudocapacitive Behavior of Carbon Nanoparticles Modified by Phosphomolybdic Acid. In Journal of The Electrochemical Society (Vol. 156, Issue 11, p. A921). The Electrochemical Society. | PDF
Pathak, S., Cambaz, Z. G., Kalidindi, S. R., Swadener, J. G., & Gogotsi, Y. (2009). Viscoelasticity and high buckling stress of dense carbon nanotube brushes. In Carbon (Vol. 47, Issue 8, pp. 1969–1976). Elsevier BV. | PDF
Portet, C., Lillo-Ródenas, M. Á., Linares-Solano, A., & Gogotsi, Y. (2009). Capacitance of KOH activated carbide-derived carbons. In Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Vol. 11, Issue 25, p. 4943). Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). | PDF
Portet, C., Yang, Z., Korenblit, Y., Gogotsi, Y., Mokaya, R., & Yushin, G. (2009). Electrical Double-Layer Capacitance of Zeolite-Templated Carbon in Organic Electrolyte. In Journal of The Electrochemical Society (Vol. 156, Issue 1, p. A1). The Electrochemical Society. | PDF
Rossi, M. P., Gogotsi, Y., & Kornev, K. G. (2009). Deformation of Carbon Nanotubes by Exposure to Water Vapor. In Langmuir (Vol. 25, Issue 5, pp. 2804–2810). American Chemical Society (ACS). | PDF
Seredych, M., Portet, C., Gogotsi, Y., & Bandosz, T. J. (2009). Nitrogen modified carbide-derived carbons as adsorbents of hydrogen sulfide. In Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Vol. 330, Issue 1, pp. 60–66). Elsevier BV. | PDF
Singhal, R., Bhattacharyya, S., Orynbayeva, Z., Vitol, E., Friedman, G., & Gogotsi, Y. (2009). Small diameter carbon nanopipettes. In Nanotechnology (Vol. 21, Issue 1, p. 015304). IOP Publishing. | PDF
Vitol, E. A., Orynbayeva, Z., Bouchard, M. J., Azizkhan-Clifford, J., Friedman, G., & Gogotsi, Y. (2009). In Situ Intracellular Spectroscopy with Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)-Enabled Nanopipettes. In ACS Nano (Vol. 3, Issue 11, pp. 3529–3536). American Chemical Society (ACS). | PDF
Vitol, E. A., Schrlau, M. G., Bhattacharyya, S., Ducheyne, P., Bau, H. H., Friedman, G., & Gogotsi, Y. (2009). Effects of Deposition Conditions on the Structure and Chemical Properties of Carbon Nanopipettes. In Chemical Vapor Deposition (Vol. 15, Issues 7–9, pp. 204–208). Wiley. | PDF
Widgeon, S., Gass, M., Bleloch, A., Yeon, S.-H., Gogotsi, Y., & Arslan, I. (2009). 3-D Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of Carbide-Derived Carbons for Electrical Energy Storage. In Microscopy and Microanalysis (Vol. 15, Issue S2, pp. 632–633). Oxford University Press (OUP). | PDF
Yeon, S.-H., Osswald, S., Gogotsi, Y., Singer, J. P., Simmons, J. M., Fischer, J. E., Lillo-Ródenas, M. A., & Linares-Solano, Á. (2009). Enhanced methane storage of chemically and physically activated carbide-derived carbon. In Journal of Power Sources (Vol. 191, Issue 2, pp. 560–567). Elsevier BV. | PDF
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