Electromagnetic MXene Applications

Unique properties of MXene such as high conductivity (up to 20,000 S/cm), tunable work function, and surface chemistry as well as ease of processing endow MXene properties across a broad electromagnetic spectrum.

  1. Electromagnetic Interference Shielding: The primary research direction within electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding is focused on elucidating mechanisms of MXene interaction with electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range. These activities involve the measurement of electromagnetic material parameters (such as conductivity and dielectric constant), as well as shielding effectiveness.
  2. Alterations to MXene microstructures to augment electromagnetism: Further research involves investigating changes in MXene electromagnetic properties based on the alterations of the MXene microstructure, alongside the dynamic tuning of film properties by external stimuli to allow for highly functional devices for the new era of the Internet of Things (IoT).

EMI Shielding

Sarycheva, A., Polemi, A., Liu, Y., Dandekar, K., Anasori, B. and Gogotsi, Y. 2D titanium carbide (MXene) for wireless communication. Science Advances 2018, 4 (9), eaau0920. 

Han, M., Shuck, C.E., Rakhmanov, R., Parchment, D., Anasori, B., Koo, C.M., Friedman, G. and Gogotsi, Y., 2020. Beyond Ti3C2T x: MXenes for electromagnetic interference shielding. ACS Nano 2020, 14 (4), 5008-5016.

Leading group members: Roman Rokhmanov, Jamal AlHourani, James Fitzatrick