Professor Yury Gogotsi Will Give a Talk at the Sumy State University
Event date: May 27th, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. EET (GMT +2) Professor Yury Gogotsi will give a talk titled “From Discovery of New (Nano)materials to
Event date: May 27th, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. EET (GMT +2) Professor Yury Gogotsi will give a talk titled “From Discovery of New (Nano)materials to
On April 28th, Professor Yury Gogotsi was featured in Materials Today’s aricle title Strain Could Switch On Diamond for Optoelectronics. To read the full article
In the 2021 Celebrating Drexel Author Event on April 27th, 2021, 10 members of our group (current and former, including 2 undergraduate students) were recognized
EOFlow’s subsidiary, Nephria Bio, has signed a license agreement with Drexel University on the transfer of new MXene nanomaterial technology. As a result, Nephria secured
Our group alumni, Babak Anasori, was featured in UIPUI blog titled Top Trending Author in Nanotechnology in the World: https://blogs.iu.edu/etresearchnews/2021/04/27/top-trending-author-in-nanotechnology-in-the-world/ Materials Today also featured his work
In this paper, three-dimensional (3D) Bode analysis was used to investigate charge storage dynamics of two-dimensional (2D) titanium carbide MXenes in aqueous electrolytes. The link
Kanit Hantanasirisakul and Asia Sarycheva successfully defended their Ph.D. theses and now have joined DNI alumni. Their Ph.D. research shed light on some important aspects
On Monday, April 19th, 2021, Professor Yury Gogotsi delivered a highly prestigious Manuel Cardona Lecture at the Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (Catalan Institute of
Drexel University is helping to establish a global trade association for researchers, manufacturers and companies that are working with MXenes. Called the MXene Association, it
Congratulations to Tyler Mathis and his co-authors on long-awaited publication of their paper on environmentally stable and highly conductive Ti3C2 MXene in ACS Nano Journal.
February 23 – 28, 2025
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Materials Science & Engineering
3141 Chestnut Street (LeBow 344)
Philadelphia, PA 19104
A.J. Nanomaterials Institute Office: CAT 383
Nanomaterials Research Lab: Bossone 322 to 327
Prof. Yury Gogotsi – gogotsi@drexel.edu
Jamie Banks (Assistant Director) – jeb23@drexel.edu