Whether you are an incoming student (STAR, Co-Op, MS, PhD), Post-Doc, Professor, or international visitor, you may find the following resources helpful to succeed in your research, navigating laboratory logistics and safety, improving your soft-skills, and establishing a good relationship with your colleagues.
If you find any additional resources that would be helpful, please email Jamie Banks at jeb23@drexel.edu or Molly Peek at mp3759@drexel.edu
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Drexel Univeristy
Materials Science & Engineering
3141 Chestnut Street (LeBow 344)
Philadelphia, PA 19104
A.J. Nanomaterials Institute Office: CAT 383
Nanomaterials Research Lab: Bossone 322 to 327
Prof. Yury Gogotsi – gogotsi@drexel.edu
Jamie Banks (Assistant Director) – jeb23@drexel.edu