PhD Student
Degree: M.Sc, Tarbiat Modares University, 2016.
Email: rk887 @ drexel . edu
Phone: (267) – 499 – 0494
Reza Kheirollahi is currently pursuing a PhD in Electrical Engineering. Reza joined Center for Electric Power Engineering in 2019. His research interests include switch-mode power converters, electrical drives, software and hardware embedded systems, electric vehicles, power system protection, renewable energy resources, electricity market, and optimization algorithms.
- DSP Based Digital Controllers Design (In Persian), Dibagaran Tehran Publisher, 2019.
Journal Papers
- R. Kheirollahi; R. Tahmasebifar; E. Dehghanpour, “Genetic Algorithm Based Optimal Coordination of Overcurrent Relays Using a Novel Objective Function” International Electrical Engineering Journal, vol. 7, no. 10, pp. 2403-2414, 2017.
- Reza Tahsamebifar, Mohammad-Kazem Sheikh-El-Eslami, Reza Kheirollahi, “Point and Interval Electricity Market Prices Forecasting Using a Novel Hybrid Approach”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 2173 – 2183, 2017.
- E. Dehghanpour; H.K. Karegar; R. Kheirollahi; T. Soleymani, “Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays in Microgrids by Using Cuckoo-Linear Optimization Algorithm and Fault Current Limiter,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, doi: 10.1109/TSG.2016.2587725, no. 99, 2016.
- Reza Kheirollahi, Farhad Namdari, “Optimal Coordination of Overcurrent Relay Based on a Modified Bat Optimization Algorithm”, International Electrical Engineering Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1273-1279, 2014.
Conference Papers
- R. Kheirollahi, M. Mohamadian, F. Golshan, E. Dehghanpour, “A New Real-Time Implementation of Level Shifted-PWM Method for a Three Phase 5-Level NPC Inverter”, 10th Power Electronics and Drive Systems Technologies Conference (PEDSTC), 2019.
- S. SalehiVala , N. Zahedi, R. Kheirollahi, E. Babaee, “Ultra High Step-up DC-DC Converter Based on Switched InductorCapacitor Cells’, 10th Power Electronics and Drive Systems Technologies Conference (PEDSTC), 2019.
- R. Kheirollahi and E. Dehghanpour, “Developing a new fault location topology for DC microgrid systems,” 7th Power Electronics and Drive Systems Technologies Conference (PEDSTC), pp. 297-301.doi: 10.1109/PEDSTC.2016.7556877, 2016.