Category: News

  • Gogotsi to Receive 2023 Jan Czochralski Award

    Gogotsi to Receive 2023 Jan Czochralski Award

    In recognition of his lifetime of research achievement in materials science, Yury Gogotsi, PhD, Distinguished University and Charles T. and Ruth M. Bach Professor, will be awarded the Jan Czochralski Award from the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS).  Read more here:  

  • Laura Fusco Selected for the 3rd Lindau Online Sciathon

    Laura Fusco Selected for the 3rd Lindau Online Sciathon

    Visiting post-doc and Marie Curie Fellow, Laura Fusco, has been selected to present her project, “MXenes for Biomedical Applications” at the 3rd Lindau Online Sciathon in the Innovative Applications of Medical Research division. Read more here:

  • Nature Communications Top 25

    Nature Communications Top 25

    Our article with DNI Research Assistant Professor Chris Shuck, our former group member Dr. Ke LI, and Prof. Valeria Nicolosi from Trinity College is among the Top 25 chemistry and materials sciences articles in Nature Communications from 2022!  You can check out the article, “4D printing of MXene hydrogels for high-efficiency pseudocapacitive energy storage” here:…

  • Drexel Press Release: Shedding Light on Mechanisms of Electrochemical Energy Storage

    Drexel Press Release: Shedding Light on Mechanisms of Electrochemical Energy Storage

    Congratulations to Danzhen Zhang, John Wang, Xuehang Wang, & Yury Gogotsi on their paper in Nature Energy on a new technique that can identify the exact electrochemical mechanisms taking place in batteries and supercapacitors of various compositions 🔋 On April 6, 2023, Drexel released the linked press release on this very important research. Read more:…

  • MXenes are the focus of Drexel University’s next Ambition Can’t Wait campaign!

    MXenes are the focus of Drexel University’s next Ambition Can’t Wait campaign!

    Drexel University ranks #7 in the US and #39 globally in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in the 2022-2023 US News and World Report Global University rankings.   There are some truly astonishing metrics of our publications impact behind these rankings:   Percentage of total publications in Nano that are among the 10% most cited is #1 in the…

  • DNI PhD Students Volunteer at Philly School’s Science Fair

    DNI PhD Students Volunteer at Philly School’s Science Fair

    This week on Wednesday, March 29, two graduate students from our group spent the morning engaging with local elementary students.  Kyle Matthews and Benj Chacon judged Alexander Adaire Elementary’s first science fair. Thirty students in grades 2-7 presented their scientific research and answered questions by the 4 judges, 3 from Drexel and 2 from DNI. …

  • Marley Downes Named 2023 Barry Goldwater Scholar

    Marley Downes Named 2023 Barry Goldwater Scholar

    We are shouting a huge congratulations to DNI undergraduate lab assistant, Marley Downes, who was named a 2023 Barry Goldwater Scholar! The Barry Goldwater Scholarship & Excellence in Education Foundation presents the most prestigious undergraduate scholarship in the natural sciences, mathematics, and engineering in America. Supported by her mentors, Christopher Shuck, Yury Gogotsi, and Ph.D.…

  • New Paper in Materials Today

    New Paper in Materials Today

    A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute team (Meikang Han, Danzhen Zhang, Christopher Shuck, Tetiana Hryhorchuk, Teng Zhang, Lingyi (Elaine) Bi, Akash Singh, Bernard McBride and Vivek Shenoy) published the first analysis of infrared properties of a wide range of MXenes in Materials Today.  Read more the paper here:  Read the press release here: 

  • Drexel Press Release: Nano Cut-and-Sew

    Drexel Press Release: Nano Cut-and-Sew

    On March 16th Drexel University posted a press release on our work around a new method for chemically tailoring layered nanomaterials to open new pathways for designing 2D materials on demand. This work was then featured in Phys Org and The Science Times!  Drexel Press Release:  Phys Org:  The Science Times: 

  • Drexel Materials Ranked Top Program Worldwide in Materials Science

    Drexel Materials Ranked Top Program Worldwide in Materials Science

    Drexel University was ranked #29 globally in for Materials Science and #9 nationally in the U.S. News and World Report! Drexel is also ranked #39 globally for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology as well as #40 in the world in Physical Chemistry to which our work in electrochemistry contributes.